整合德育环节 提升初中班级管理效能

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德育是学校工作的核心,是班级建设管理的灵魂,也是塑造学生核心素养的关键。在班级教育管理中,教师要以德育为突破口,改变当前单一的德育环境,整合德育各环节,建立一体化德育管理网络,为实现初中班级管理效能奠定坚实基础,进而提升初中生的道德品质。进一步加强班级德育管理工作,提高德育效果的实效性是学校管理工作的保障。初中阶段学生身心发生很大变化,在各种教育课程中渗透德育因素,改善德育环境显得尤为重要。当 Moral education is the core of school work, the soul of class construction and management, and the key to shaping the core qualities of students. In class education and management, teachers should take moral education as a breakthrough to change the current single moral education environment, integrate all aspects of moral education and establish an integrated moral education management network, so as to lay a solid foundation for junior middle school class management and enhance the moral quality of junior high school students. To further strengthen the class moral education management and improve the effectiveness of moral education is the guarantee of school management. The physical and mental changes of students in junior middle school have changed greatly. It is very important to infiltrate the moral education factors and improve the moral education environment in various educational courses. when
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