Mass spectrometry-based protein?protein interaction techniques and their applications in studies of

来源 :浙江大学学报(英文版)(B辑:生物医学和生物技术) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xxak48
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Proteins are major functional units that are tightly connected to form complex and dynamic networks. These networks enable cells and organisms to operate properly and respond efficiently to environmental cues. Over the past decades, many biochemical methods have been developed to search for protein-binding partners in order to understand how protein networks are constructed and connected. At the same time, rapid development in proteomics and mass spectrometry (MS) techniques makes it possible to identify interacting proteins and build comprehensive protein?protein interaction networks. The resulting interactomes and networks have proven informative in the investigation of biological functions, such as in the field of DNA damage repair. In recent years, a number of proteins involved in DNA damage response and DNA repair pathways have been uncovered with MS-based protein?protein interaction studies. As the technologies for enriching associated proteins and MS become more sophisticated, the studies of protein?protein interactions are entering a new era. In this review, we summarize the strategies and recent developments for exploring protein?protein interaction. In addition, we discuss the application of these tools in the investigation of protein?protein interaction networks involved in DNA damage response and DNA repair.
1997~1998年,我们在龙泉镇种植秋延后黄瓜26.7公顷,总产1440.4吨;667平方米产3600千克,收入7200元。现将高效栽培技术总结如下: From 1997 to 1998, we planted 26.7 hectar
近年来,我市大棚西瓜栽培面积在7000hm~2左右,西瓜上市早、价格高,亩产值达7000元上下,其主要栽培技术如下:1选用优良品种,创造优质高产条件 在早春大棚栽培条件下,选用耐弱
秋延迟番茄一般在7月上旬播种,8月上旬定植,11月中旬收获。它的生育前期炎热高温,易发病毒病和死苗;生育后期遇严寒霜冻,扣 Late autumn generally planted in early July