下格拉尼特坝开始试验新的鱼道装置美国陆军工程师团 (USACE)正在试验采用移动式溢流堰 (RSW)以方便美国华盛顿州斯奈克河上 77m高的下格拉尼特坝的过鱼。初期试验已开始 ,在坝上安装了价值 115 0万美元的装置。设计了压重箱以在高洪期时沉于河中。在 2 0 0 2年鱼类洄游季节时
The Nigelinite dam begins trials of a new fish pass installation. The US Army Engineers Corps (USACE) is testing the use of a mobile overflow weir (RSW) to facilitate the passage of fish from the 77-meter-high Lower Granite Dam on the Snax River in Washington, USA. . Initial tests have begun and a device worth $11.5 million has been installed on the dam. A weight box was designed to sink in the river during high flood periods. During the fish migration season in 2002