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对企业的储存方案来说,储存媒体的安全性与可靠性,是采购前的第一优先考虑,而高档SCSI硬盘则是其中的最佳选择,因为它具有性能佳、稳定性高的特性,所以这期我们就针对高档SCSI硬盘来作报导与测试,并且对服务器硬盘做个基本介绍与认识。储存媒体在企业服务器中.扮演着举足轻重的角色,因为企业数据的重要性等级,往往比一般使用者来的高,所以服务器储存媒体必须具备极高的可靠性。同时为了应付大量的数据储存.服务器储存媒体也必须要具备高容量和速度快的条件。而容量大,且性能佳的高档SCSl硬盘,可以说是最佳的解决方案。另外SOSI产品所具备的“热插拔”的特性,对服务器来说是格外重要,因为“热插拔”功能可以让服务器随时进行更换和备份,以对任何的紧急状况作应变处理。服务器硬盘有什么样的特性?它与一般的硬盘有何不同?采购服务器前,要注意硬盘的哪些部份,是速度、容量、还是热抽换的功能。一开始我们就先来介绍服务器硬盘,并且对其产品及规格做个基本介绍。高档SOSI硬盘的产品,在国内有IBM、希捷、昆腾、富士通、WD等……主要厂商,而国内主要代理商则有雷射、东方讯怡等。在这个部份,我们会针对备家的产品及服务作介绍、并且将各家产品的详细规格列表出来。高档SOSI硬盘常常是一般使用者所望尘莫及,因为这类产品的单价太高,相信MIS在采购之前,可能也仅能依照厂商提供的规格、售后服务作参考。所以这次我们特别商借了六款高档SCSI硬盘机,对其做了一连串的性能测试,并且针对产品的价格、售后服务进行评比。希望让有意采购的使用者或MIS,能针对自己的真实需要与用途,挑选一款合适的高档SCSI硬盘机。 For enterprise storage solutions, the security and reliability of storage media is the first priority before purchasing, and high-end SCSI hard disk is one of the best choice because it has the characteristics of good performance and high stability, So this issue we report and test for high-end SCSI hard drive, and the server hard drive to be a basic introduction and understanding. Storage media plays a decisive role in enterprise servers because the importance of enterprise data is often higher than that of average users, so server storage media must be highly reliable. At the same time in order to cope with a large number of data storage server storage media must have high capacity and speed conditions. The capacity of large, high-performance and high-end SCSl hard drive, can be said to be the best solution. In addition, SOSI products have the characteristics of “hot swap” is particularly important for the server, because the “hot swap” feature allows the server to be replaced and backed up at any time, in response to any emergency response. Server hard disk has what kind of characteristics? Is it different from the general hard disk? Before purchasing the server, pay attention to what parts of the hard disk, is the speed, capacity, or hot swap function. At first, we will introduce the server hard disk, and make a basic introduction to its products and specifications. High-end SOSI hard drive products in the country have IBM, Seagate, Quantum, Fujitsu, WD, etc. ... ... major manufacturers, while the major domestic agents are laser, the East, such as hearing Yue. In this section, we will introduce our products and services and list the detailed specifications of each product. High-end SOSI hard drive is often beyond the reach of the average user, because the price of such products is too high, I believe MIS before purchasing, may only be in accordance with the manufacturer’s specifications, after-sales service for reference. So this time we specially borrowed six high-end SCSI hard disk drives, to do a series of performance tests, and for the price of the product, service comparison. Hope that the intention of purchasing users or MIS, for their own real needs and uses, select a suitable high-end SCSI hard drive.
PbS能应用于制造激光用的Q转换开关及高效率太阳能吸收薄膜,澳大利亚P.J.Martin等人用1500eV氩离子在真空系统中作整块PbS靶的离子束溅射制取PbS薄膜。 他们用一个2.5cm的Ka
引子:服务使 IT 三分天下IT 市场的焦点,正在悄悄发生变化:曾几何时,大家津津乐道的硬件产品,已经在视线中渐渐隐退;而附加在产品之上的服务,却越来越受到关注。大约两年前