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今年5月29日上午10时,在锦州市太和区法院刘松林庭长的指挥下,一辆大铲车,顷刻间将村民云××违法兴建的三间平房推平.云××是太和区兴隆街道小兴村村民,1991年6月他未经批准擅自在交通要道建房三间,违法占地60平方米.施工期间街道及区土地局监察人员多次劝其停工,但云××置之不理.为了维护法律的尊严,刹住滥占乱建歪风,太和区土地局和区法院联合执法,在街道派出所 At 10 am on May 29 this year, under the command of President Liu Songlin, the court of Taihe District, Jinzhou City, a big forklift truck instantly pushed the three bungalows illegally built by the villagers in Yunxiao. He Xinglong villagers Xiaoxing village, June 1991, he without authorization without permission in the traffic thoroughfare built three, illegal an area of ​​60 square meters .During the construction period the streets and the District Land Bureau inspectors repeatedly urging them to stop work, but Cloud × × ignored.In order to maintain the dignity of the law, to stop indiscriminate construction of unhealthy tenants, Taihe District Land Bureau and district court joint enforcement, in the street police station
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编辑同志: 我院审理了江苏省兴化市铸钢厂诉辽宁省朝阳市水泥机械厂购销合同货款纠纷案,朝阳市水泥机械厂不服我院一审判决,向江苏省扬州市中级人民法院提出上诉。经扬州市