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著名消化病学专家,中国工程院院士,第四军医大学校长,全军消化病研究所所长,肿瘤生物学国家重点实验室主任,国家临床药理基地主任,中华消化学会主任委员.中华内科学会副主任委员,中国抗癌协会副理事长,亚太胃肠病学会常务理事兼奖励委员会主席。长期从事消化系疾病的临床工作及基础研究工作,特别在胃癌的研究中做出突出成绩,先后承担国家863、973、国家攻关、国家重大支撑、国家自然科学基金等课题,为国家杰出青年基金的获得者,国家教育部长江学者计划特聘教授。发表论文260余篇,其中在国际杂志发表163篇。先后获国家科技进步奖、国家发明奖、省部级科技进步奖等。 Famous expert in digestive diseases, Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering, President of the Fourth Military Medical University, Director of the Military Digestive Disease Research Institute, Director of the State Key Laboratory of Tumor Biology, Director of the National Clinical Pharmacology Base, Director of the Chinese Digestive Society. Chinese Society of Internal Medicine Chairman of the Board of Directors, Vice Chairman of the China Cancer Society, Chairman of the Standing Committee of Asia Pacific Gastroenterology Society and Chairman of the Awards Committee. He has long been engaged in the clinical work and basic research work of digestive diseases, especially in the research of gastric cancer, he has undertaken national 863, 973, national research, national major support, the National Natural Science Foundation and other issues, as the National Outstanding Youth Fund The winner is the distinguished professor of the Cheung Kong Scholars Program of the Ministry of Education. Published more than 260 papers, of which 163 were published in international magazines. Has won the National Science and Technology Progress Award, the National Invention Award, the provincial and ministerial-level scientific and technological progress awards.
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