
来源 :农家之友 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hjy2673237
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家庭种养的花草多属温带,亚热带植物,其生长适温约在24~32℃左右。在四季变化明显的地区,冬季常会因骤冷或持续低温而造成种养的花草被冻死或枯萎,来年春天难以恢复生长。为使家庭养花能顺利越过寒冬,应抓好下面几个措施:一、天气开始渐冷时,应让盆花充分接触逐渐降低的气温,以使其逐渐适应低温环境,增强抗寒能力,等气温降到20℃以下时移入室内养护,有温室更好。二、逐渐减少浇水次数及浇水量,以减少其生长量强制性地使植物进入半休眠状态,增强耐寒力,浇水的标准以盆土表面干燥2~3天后再浇为度,并应在晴天中午浇水,使水温土温基本一致。 Most of the family planting flowers are temperate and subtropical plants, and their growth temperature is about 24 ~ 32 ℃. In areas with sharp changes in seasons, flowers planted in winter are often frozen or wilted due to sudden cold or continuous cold, making it difficult to restore growth in the spring of next year. In order to enable the family to spend flowers smoothly over the winter, should take the following measures: First, the weather began to get cold, potted flowers should be fully exposed to gradually reduce the temperature so that it gradually adapt to the cold environment, and enhance the ability of cold, etc. When the temperature dropped below 20 ℃ into the house conservation, a greenhouse better. Second, gradually reduce the number of watering and watering in order to reduce the amount of its growth Mandatory plants into the semi-dormant state, and enhance cold tolerance, watering standards to basin soil surface dry 2-3 days and then poured into degrees, and Should be sunny at noon watering, so that the temperature of water temperature basically the same.
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