
来源 :轴承 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yanhui516
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在毛主席革命路线指引下,全国工农业生产发展很快,尤其是农业机械化的发展更是突飞猛进,形势大好.但是由于生产的发展对轴承的需要量越来越大,产需矛盾较为突出.针对这一情况,河南省机械局于1973年7月15日在洛阳召开了全省轴承修旧利废座谈会,共有69个单位参加.会上河南省机械局首先介绍了该省轴承生产的发展情况和当前的产需矛盾,并提出了开展轴承修旧利废的初步意见,然后由洛阳军分区钢球厂、洛阳市涧西区轴承翻修厂、信阳市东风轴承厂、许昌地区重工局物资站、鹤壁市山城轴承修造厂、商丘地区汽车运输公司等单位介绍了他们几年来在轴承修旧利废工作中的经验体会;一机部轴承工厂设计处介绍了全国 Under the guidance of Chairman Mao’s revolutionary route, the country’s industrial and agricultural production has developed rapidly, especially the development of agricultural mechanization. The situation is excellent. However, due to the increasing demand for bearing production, the contradiction between production and demand is more prominent. In response to this situation, the Henan Provincial Bureau of Machinery organized the province’s bearing repair and waste recycling seminar in Luoyang on July 15, 1973. A total of 69 units participated. At the meeting, the Henan Provincial Machinery Bureau first introduced the bearing production of the province. The development situation and the current contradiction between production and demand, and put forward the preliminary opinions on the repairing and repairing of the bearing, and then the materials were provided by Luoyang Military Subdivision Steel Ball Factory, Luoxi Yuxi District Bearing Repair Factory, Xinyang Dongfeng Bearing Factory, and Xuchang Area Heavy Industry Bureau. Stations, Hebi City Shancheng Bearing Repair Factory, Shangqiu Area Automobile Transport Company and other companies introduced their experience in repairing and repairing old and worn-out bearings for several years; the first-line bearing factory design office introduced the entire country.
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1977年3月在北京召开了长城 DTL 电影同步录音机设计定型会。会议由北京市西城区第一工业局主持,到会的有国家计委电影电视办公室刘柏罗主任,四机部刘寅副部长,并作了讲话。
十二国农机展览会于十月二十日在北京开幕。本期封二、封三介绍的几种国外农机产品是从各国报展的展品样本中选出的。 The Twelfth Agricultural Machinery Exhibition ope