Biodiesel production from green seaweed Ulva fasciata catalyzed by novel waste catalysts from Pakist

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This research article is based on the biodiesel synthesis from the marine green macroalga Ulva fasciata, collected from the coast of Karachi, Pakistan using new and the most potential waste catalysts from Pakistan Steel Industry.The oil was extracted with
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1 对象和方法1.1 对象 2003-01~2004-12我院住院患者中选择具有剖宫产手术指征的单胎足月初产孕妇120例,年龄23~36岁,孕龄37+1~41+1周,体重54~75 kg,无合并症者,按美国麻醉医师协
2003-03~2005-02我科门诊以下肢疼痛为主诉而就诊的,诊断为生长痛患儿98例进行指血骨碱性磷酸酶(BLAP)检测,异常者给予维生素D剂及钙剂治疗,观察治疗后BLA P水平,探讨生长痛与
1 根据诊断确定用药老年人在疾病诊断清楚后,根据病情的轻重缓急和患者的体重、性别、用药史、肝肾功能以及健康状况等实际情况,选择能达到缓解症状、减轻痛苦或纠正病理过程
在这个工作,在批的甲基醋酸盐搅动了综合的醋酸和甲醇的酯化作用反应堆在 305.15 –333.15&#xA0 的温度范围被学习; K。硫磺的酸被用作同类的催化剂,集中从 0.0633 &#xA0 ;