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6月30日,新一年的郑州展会如期开幕,汽车影音电子企业纷纷赴会,作为后市场的知名品牌欧华同样盛装出席。在展会营销上,欧华向来有一套,之前的彩绘一出已经是震惊行业。本次郑州展会,欧华更加别出心裁,推出了《阿凡达》主题的人体彩绘,契合今年全球大热的3D大片,使观展人群把欧华展位围了个水泄不通,展会气氛前所未有的好,欧华美女模特还不失时机地大派欧华环保、时尚购物袋,汇成一道亮丽风景。在展会现场,还展出了最新专用机现代i30、本田思域、思铂睿、汉兰达、吉利帝豪等28款。 On June 30th, the new year’s Zhengzhou exhibition opened on schedule, and car audio and video electronics companies went to the meeting. As a well-known brand in the post-market, Ou Hua also attended the event. In the exhibition marketing, Ou Hua has always had a set, the previous painting is a shock to the industry. At the Zhengzhou exhibition, Ouhua even more ingenuity, launched the “Affan up” theme of the body painting, in line with this year’s global hot 3D blockbusters, so that the audience crowded around the booth of the China Europe China Exhibition Center, the exhibition atmosphere is unprecedented, Ouhua The beauty model also lost no time in sending Ouhua’s environmental protection and fashion shopping bags into a beautiful landscape. At the exhibition site, 28 models such as the latest special-purpose machine Hyundai i30, Honda Civic, Si Platinum, Highlander, and Geely Emgrand were also exhibited.
虎年快到了,老虎“身价”倍增。在长沙市动物园里的老虎园里,工作人员小房子的铁门出现了几行粉笔字:虎年沾虎气,驱邪避灾,现有少量虎须出售。 The Year of the Tiger is ap
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乱世孕育 1922年(大正11年),《华盛顿裁军条约》签订,根据条约的规定,日美主力舰的比例是3:5,而此时,日本的假想敌就是美国。如果两国开战,日本主力舰数量上的劣势是肯定了
There be 结构是一种表存在的句型,它形式多样,结构自具特色,被广泛地用于口、笔语中。本文试就它的结构特点作一初步探讨和归纳,以提高对这一结构的理解和运用能力。一、该
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