Incidence and mortality of liver cancer in China in 2011

来源 :Chinese Journal of Cancer | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Orange_zz
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Background: Liver cancer is a common cancer with poor prognosis in China. In this study, the national population?based cancer registration data were used to evaluate and analyze liver cancer incidence and mortality in China in 2011 and provide a reference for liver cancer prevention and control.Methods: We collected and evaluated the incidence and mortality data of liver cancer in 2011 from 177 cancer registries with qualiied data. These data were used in the inal analysis including calculating crude, standardized, and truncated incidences and mortalities, and estimated new liver cancer cases and deaths using age?speciic rates and the corresponding populations. The national census in 2000 and Segi’s population were used for age?standardized rates.Results: The estimates of new liver cancer cases and deaths were 355,595 and 322,416, respectively, in China in 2011. The crude incidence, age?standardized rate of incidence by Chinese standard population(ASRIC), and age?stand?ardized rate of incidence by world standard population(ASRIW) of liver cancer were 26.39/100,000, 19.48/100,000, and 19.10/100,000, respectively; the crude mortality, age?standardized rate of mortality by Chinese standard popula?tion(ASRMC), and age?standardized rate of mortality by world standard population(ASRMW) of liver cancer were 23.93/100,000,17.48/100,000, and 17.17/100,000, respectively. The incidence and mortality were higher in rural areas than in urban areas and higher in males than in females. The age?speciic incidence and mortality of liver cancer increased greatly with age, particularly after 30 years and peaked at 80–84 or 85+ years.Conclusions: Liver cancer is a common cancer in China, particularly for males and residents in rural areas. Targeted prevention, early detection, and treatment programs should be carried out. Background: Liver cancer is a common cancer with poor prognosis in China. In this study, the national population? Based cancer registration data were used to evaluate and analyze liver cancer incidence and mortality in China in 2011 and provide a reference for liver cancer prevention and control.Methods: We collected and evaluated the incidence and mortality data of liver cancer in 2011 from 177 cancer registries with qualiied data. These data were used in the inal analysis including statistics crude, standardized, and truncated incidences and mortalities, and estimated new liver cancer cases and deaths using age? speciic rates and the corresponding populations. The national census in 2000 and Segi’s population were used for age standardized rates. Results: The estimates of new liver cancer cases and deaths were 355,595 and 322,416, respectively, in China in 2011. The crude incidence, age? standardized rate of incidence by Chinese standard population (ASRIC), and age? stand? ardized rate of incidence by world standard population (ASRIW) of liver cancer were 26.39 / 100,000, 19.48 / 100,000, and 19.10 / 100,000, respectively; the crude mortality, age? standardized rate of mortality by Chinese standard popularization (ASRMC) standardized rate of mortality by world standard population (ASRMW) of liver cancer were 23.93 / 100,000, 17.48 / 100,000, and 17.17 / 100,000, respectively. The incidence and mortality were higher in rural areas than in urban areas and higher in males than in females The age? Speciic incidence and mortality of liver cancer increased greatly with age, particularly after 30 years and peaked at 80-84 or 85+ years. Conclusions: Liver cancer is a common cancer in China, particularly for males and residents in rural areas Targeted prevention, early detection, and treatment programs should be carried out.
晚期恶性肿瘤骨转移时常出现疼痛,其性质较为顽固且不易缓解[1].随着病情进展骨骼相关事件(skeletal related event,SRE)也相应增加,比如:病理性骨折、高钙血症、骨功能障碍
提高民族创新素质已成为当代的首要任务。创新是一种旨在提高全民族创新精神和实践能力的教育思想和行为。只有明白了这一点,才能使我们的教育承担起创新的使命,才能把创新教育主阵地定位于课堂,才会有让创新教育落实到每节课的想法和具体行为。下面是本人在多年的教学实践中总结的一些行之有效的教学经验,写在下面,以供交流。    一、学生的主体地位要得到真正的体现    学生是学习的主人,这是我们现代教师的共识。如
[摘要]为了提高语文课堂教学效率,就要把课堂变成学生乐于学习的场所,让学生在课堂上充分“动”起来,同时,建构语文学习的大环境,注重对丰富的语文教育资源的利用和开发,让学生由课本到社会,从课堂到生活,关注时代,留心生活,读“活”书,做新人。  [关键词]语文教学 教学策略 效率 活力    学生厌学,教师厌教,语文课缺乏语文味,症结在哪里?作为语文教师,我们该如何来有效地运用教学策略,激发学生学习兴