社火 中国式狂欢

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正月十五,中国各地都有闹社火的习俗,这种由来已久的民间节庆活动,镌刻着中国数千年的文化符号。来自远古的图腾崇拜社火拥有数千年的历史,在刀耕火种的时代,先民们将土地和火作为神物加以崇拜,“社”为土地之神,“火”为火神,由此产生的祭祀活动成为“社火”的前身。经过漫长的历史演变,祭祀社火的仪式逐渐成为规模盛大、内容繁复的娱乐活动。 On the fifteenth day of the fifth lunar month, there are conventions for making fire in all parts of China. This long-established folk festivals are engraved with the cultural symbols of China for thousands of years. From the ancient totem worship Society fire has thousands of years of history, in the era of slash and burn, the ancestors of the land and fire as the worship of God, “community ” for the land of God, “fire ” for the Vulcan , Resulting in sacrificial activities become “Social Fire ” predecessor. After a long historical evolution, rituals of sacrificial rituals and fires gradually became the grand and complicated entertainment activities.
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