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9月20日,川北某县城。下午5时30分,县公安局内。忙碌了一天的公安干警正准备下班了,突然,值班专用电话铃声大作。值班员赶忙拎起话筒,里面马上传来一个紧急的声音:“我是幸福乡治安室,拐卖我乡3名已婚妇女的高中生李飞,现已返回县城L中学上课,请立即帮我们捉拿归案……”局长马上指派县打拐办主任带领于警前去捉拿。 晚上八时许,县城L中学隔壁“咪咪”饭店门口,身体壮实、相貌英俊而又不失书生气的李飞,刚从饭店二楼走下来,还未回过神来,被早已守候在此多时的干警“咔嚓”一声给带上了锃亮的手铐。 李飞出生在幸福乡二村五组一个农民家庭,今年 September 20, a county in northern Sichuan. At half past five in the county public security bureau. Police officers busy day is preparing to get off work, and suddenly, on duty dedicated phone ringtone. Watchman quickly picked up the microphone, which immediately came an emergency voice: “I am Happy Township Security Room, trafficked my married married three high school students Li Fei, has now returned to the county L secondary school class, please help us immediately Caught to bring ... ... ”Director of the County Office immediately assaulted the officer to lead the police to capture. Eight o’clock at night, next to the county L secondary school “Mimi” hotel entrance, the body is strong, looks handsome but still angry book Li Fei, just walked down from the second floor of the hotel, has not yet recovered, has long been waiting here For a long time the police officer “click” soon to bring shiny handcuffs. Li Fei was born in Happy Village two village five groups of peasant families this year
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