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纵观英语学习的现状,教师试图把相关的所有知识都传授给学生,而部分学生却把学习的重点放在考级上,因此尽管教师把课程的讲授设计的非常合理,非常充分,但在这些学生看来过级考试才是英语水平高低的唯一标准。殊不知,某些通过等级考试的学生在英语实际运用方面却存在着相当多的问题,面对着教与学这对矛盾,解决问题的出路在哪里呢? Looking at the current situation of English learning, teachers try to impart all the relevant knowledge to students. However, some students focus their study on the level of examination. Therefore, although teachers design the course as very reasonable and very thorough, they are Students seem to have passed the exam is the only standard for the level of English. As everyone knows, there are quite a few problems in the practical use of English in some students who passed the grade test. Faced with the contradictions between teaching and learning, where is the solution to the problem?
一、联系实际说教材I.教学内容授课内容:New Standard English《新标准英语》(三年级起点)第三册 I. Contacting the Actual Teaching Material I. Content of Teaching Con
对自己节俭、对他人慷慨的人最能赢得人们的尊重。 The people who are saving themselves and being generous to others can best win people’s respect.
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周末,同窗石橋的同学打电话相约到南涧游玩,无量山樱花谷的樱花,南涧的土林,我一听内心中就满是憧憬,看看大自然,见见老同学,更是好风景啊!景由心生,心里若有阳光,哪里都是美景,而且南涧樱花谷的樱花属于冬樱花,所以我们便在冬日邂逅了南涧的美景。  一早,冒着严寒,我们便出发了。一个星期紧张的工作,周末出去走走,心情很愉快。外面寒气正浓,而车内却温暖如春。同窗好友一路说说笑笑,是对工作最好的放松。南涧同
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History suggests that a burst of creative inspiration, or even the solution to a baffling problem1, can spring from the unconscious work of slumber2.tMendeleev3