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一、去年汛后以来开展的主要工作(略) 二、下一阶段的工作安排意见 根据气象部门预测,1999年汛期6~8月雨区北移,我国长江以北地区降雨将偏多,在我国登陆的台风可能偏多。北方各河的特点是:洪水来得急,预见期短,堤防标准低而且多年没经过大水考验,隐患较多。特别是黄河、海河堤防土质差、河道淤积严重,河势游荡多变,洪水预测预报难度大,防汛抗洪任务十分艰巨。因此,国家防总在继续抓好长江、松花江、辽河、珠江、太湖等防汛准备工作的同时,着重要抓好黄河、 I. Major work carried out since the flood season last year (omitted) II. Opinions on the work arrangements for the next phase According to the forecast by the meteorological department, the rainfall area will move northward from June to August in the flood season in 1999, Typhoon landing in our country may be excessive. The characteristics of the rivers in the north are: the flood is in a hurry, the forecast period is short, the dike standard is low and many years have not passed the flood test, and there are more hidden dangers. Especially the Yellow River, Haihe River embankment poor soil, serious river siltation, river wandering and changing, flood forecasting is difficult, flood control task is very arduous. Therefore, while continuing to pay attention to preparations for flood control in the Yangtze River, Songhua River, Liao River, Pearl River and Taihu Lake areas, the national defense department will focus on the Yellow River,
For the first time, a molecular dynamics simulation study has been performed for a liquid metal system consisting of 50000 atoms to deeply investigate the trans
华中电网水电较多, 所处地理位置特殊, 水电站防洪问题突出, 为及时准确地获取并处理水情信息, 建立了华中电网防汛信息系统。简要介绍了该系统的功能、开发及关键技术、应用。极
通过和国际足协(FIFA)技术委员会的 Erich Rutemller 合作,EA SPORTS 系列的最新一作《FIFA 2004》即将推出。这次又会给玩家带来什么样的惊喜呢?是更加真实还是更加繁琐,饱
0 前  言在现代工业生产中 ,不锈钢复合板因其极低的含碳量 (≤ 0 .0 2 %) ,具有较高的抗腐蚀能力而被广泛应用。但这些复合材料在小口径管及法兰上的应用还有一定困难 ,
The SCC (stress corrosion cracking) susceptibility of steel I 6Mn in nitrate solution was studied. The results showed that applied potential polarization would
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《龙珠》——这个影响了整整一代人的漫画作品,在原作完结后将近10年中魅力仍旧不减,至今仍有附属作品问世,这不,在 PS2上又有一部《龙珠 Z-武道会》问世了。里面收录了原作