本文作者采用了国內外现行之有效的铜锌连测碘量法,黄血盐內、外指示剂法,及参考等人所作的焦磷酸钠法等,加以大大改革;于1963年1月,实验成功了两个快速化验法,自去年4月已投入生产化验,经过一年多的试验与考验,从所获得结果判断,确已証明新方法是达到了多、快、好、省的要求。对于新旧方法的比较,大略有如下情况: (1)我們以往化驗矿石:使用旧法中的黄血盐內指示剂法,此法手续繁多,如溶矿、过滤、蒸发等操作,必须重复数次,致使化验时间大大延长;如化验一个单样(从称样到得出结果),要需时446分钟;因此,经常在矿石冶炼生产过程完成一、二天之后,才能得到结果。且用此法进行大批生产化验吋,尤感到人力上的特别困难;因一个人4个工作日,才能化验15个单样;加上各种药品耗用量大,故其成本亦较高。但此法的优点是,结果较他法正确。
In this paper, the author adopted the current domestic and international measures of copper and zinc in conjunction with iodometric method, the yellow inside and outside the indicator method, and references such as sodium pyrophosphate method, to be greatly reformed; in January 1963, Two rapid laboratory tests were successfully conducted. Since April last year, they have been put into production tests. After more than one year of tests and tests, judging from the results obtained, it has been proved that the new method has reached the requirements of more, faster, better and more provincial tests . For the comparison of the old and new methods, the following is the case: (1) We used to test the ore: the old method using the yellow salt indicator method, this method has many procedures, such as mining, filtration, evaporation and other operations must be repeated several times , Resulting in the test time greatly extended; such as testing a single (from the sample to the result) takes 446 minutes; therefore, often in the ore smelting production process is completed one or two days before they can get results. And this method for large-scale production of test inches, especially to the manpower particularly difficult; because a person 4 working days to test 15 single-sample; with a variety of drugs consumption, so the cost is higher. But the advantage of this method is that the result is more correct than his method.