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和谐社会的实现是要需要通过各方面的努力及配合的,企业的和谐发展在这里也起着十分重要的作用。可以这样说,企业是社会的基层组织,也是经济社会的重要组成部分,创建和谐企业也是构建我们和谐社会必须的重要组成部分和基础。由于企业在市场经济条件下的生产、经营活动往往并不都是局限于企业内部中,而且还会涉及到社会的方方面面,因而,创建和谐企业实际上也是在构建相当一部分基层社会的和谐,从而为和谐社会的构建提供着重要的基层夯实保障作用。要想从长远发展角度去创建和谐企业,就要使企业树立大局意识发展意识,妥善处理与竞争对手、与服务对象的互相依托关系,从而形成与企业内部的员工以及与社会各方面和谐共赢合作共存的局面。 The realization of a harmonious society requires efforts and cooperation through all aspects. The harmonious development of enterprises also plays an important role here. It can be said that the enterprise is the grassroots organization of society as well as an important part of the economy and society. Creating a harmonious enterprise is also an important component and foundation necessary for building a harmonious society. Due to the production of enterprises in the market economy, the business activities are not always limited to the internal part of the enterprise, but also involve all aspects of society. Therefore, the establishment of a harmonious enterprise is actually a harmonious part of constructing a substantial part of the grass-roots society. For the construction of a harmonious society provides an important foundation to consolidate the protection role. In order to create a harmonious enterprise from the perspective of long-term development, it is imperative for enterprises to establish awareness of overall situation awareness, handle each other’s relationships with competitors and clients and thus form a harmonious win-win situation with employees in the enterprise and with all sectors of society. Cooperation co-existence situation.
2012年12月7日下午,习近平总书记来到深圳市腾讯计算机系统有限公司总部视察,对于腾讯作为企业履行的社会责任、以及腾讯公益慈善基金在推动社会和谐进步等方面做出的工作,表示了关注和肯定。同时,也鼓励腾讯不断进取,为民族互联网产业走向世界贡献力量。  一提起QQ、微信、王者荣耀……就会让人想到中国著名的互联网企业——腾讯。  腾讯1998年创立时只有OICQ,即日后的QQ,目标是10万人。如今,QQ