Micro-expression recognition algorithm based on the combination of spatial and temporal domains

来源 :高技术通讯(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:a570121851
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Aiming at the problem of unsatisfactory effects of traditional micro-expression recognition algo-rithms,an efficient micro-expression recognition algorithm is proposed,which uses convolutional neu-ral networks (CNN) to extract spatial features of micro-expressions,and long short-term memory net-work (LSTM) to extract time domain features.CNN and LSTM are combined as the basis of micro-ex-pression recognition.In many CNN structures,the visual geometry group (VGG) using a small convo-lution kernel is finally selected as the pre-network through comparison.Due to the difficulty of deep learning training and over-fitting,the dropout method and batch normalization method are used to solve the problem in the VGG network.Two data sets CASME and CASME Ⅱ are used for test comparison,in order to solve the problem of insufficient data sets,randomly determine the starting frame,and a fixed-length frame sequence is used as the standard,and repeatedly read all sample frames of the entire data set to achieve traversal and data amplification.Finally,a high recognition rate of 67.48% is achieved.
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