
来源 :浙江画报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tiger20091
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浙江的地域美术文化特征形成了积淀深厚的中国书画传承脉络,构成了“多元、学养、诗性、创新”的传统,对中国传统艺术的时代发展起到了巨大的引领作用。在近现代中国美术史上,“海上画派”海纳百川,蔚为大观,声名显赫,影响远播,开创了中国现代书画艺术的发展格局。归属于“海上画派”的浙江书画家人数众多,从赵之谦、任伯年、吴昌硕、蒲作英,到黄宾虹、潘天寿都是领袖群伦的一代大家。其中,担任了首任西泠印社 Zhejiang’s regional art and cultural characteristics have formed a deep-seated vein of Chinese painting and calligraphy and formed a tradition of “pluralism, cultivation, poeticity and innovation,” which has played a huge leading role in the development of the era of Chinese traditional art. In the history of modern Chinese art, “Sea Painting School ” is full of diversity and enjoys a great reputation. It has a far-reaching impact and has opened up the development pattern of modern Chinese painting and calligraphy art. There are a large number of calligraphers in Zhejiang who belong to the “School of Sea Painting”. From Zhao Zhiqian, Ren Bainian, Wu Changshuo, Pu Zuoying, to Huang Binhong and Pan Tianshou, they are leaders of all generations. Among them, served as the first Xiling Seal Society
展览时间:2014年6月10日至8月31日展览地点:泰特英国美术馆由泰特英国美术馆馆长Martin Myrone、副馆长Ruth Kenn和艺术家Jeff McMillan共同策划的“英国民间艺术展”在泰特
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