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晚霜对我区四大作物(青稞、小麦、豌豆、油菜)一般危害不大、早霜只有在日最低气温出现≤-2℃时才会危害籽粒的灌浆充实。故可用日平均气温稳定通过0℃到秋季日最低气温出现≤-2℃间的持续日数作为生长季。在生长季内有≥0℃的积温1100℃,早熟青稞就能获得较高较稳的产量;有≥0℃的积温1600℃中晚熟青稞也能达到较高的产量;有≥0℃的积温1900℃中晚熟小麦、油菜、豌豆就能获得较高的产量。灌浆期侯平均气温在7℃以上早熟青稞、豌豆就可进行灌浆,9℃以上就可达到正常粒重,冬小麦在10℃以上也可达到正常粒重。由此看来,我区无霜期虽短,但可供四大作物的实际生长季并不短(140—150天),生长季内≥0℃的积温虽不多(1300—2800℃),但因四大作物要求的积温也不多。所以在我区广大河谷农区和传统的半农半牧区对当地的作物品种来说,热量资源基本上是充足的。 Night cream on the four crops in my area (barley, wheat, peas, rapeseed) generally not harmful, early frost only in the daily minimum temperature ≤-2 ℃ will endanger the filling of grain filling. Therefore, daily average temperature can be used as the growing season when the minimum temperature between 0 ℃ and autumn falls below -2 ℃. In the growing season with ≥0 ℃ accumulated temperature of 1100 ℃, precocious barley will be able to obtain a higher stable yield; with ≥ 0 ℃ accumulated temperature 1600 ℃ middle-late mature barley can achieve higher yields; with ≥ 0 ℃ accumulated temperature 1900 ℃ middle-late-maturing wheat, rape, pea can get higher yield. Grain filling at an average temperature of more than 7 ℃ early barley, peas can be grouted, above 9 ℃ to achieve normal weight, winter wheat above 10 ℃ can reach normal weight. In view of this, our frost-free period is short, but the actual growing season for the four crops is not short (140-150 days). Although the accumulated temperature ≥0 ℃ during the growing season is small (1300-2800 ℃) Due to the requirements of the four major crop temperature is not much. Therefore, in our region, the vast majority of river valley agricultural areas and traditional semi-agricultural and semi-pastoral areas for the local crop varieties, the heat resources are basically sufficient.
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