Synthesis and characterization of acetylated sept-D-glucopyranose carbamate as an oligosaccharide do

来源 :Chinese Chemical Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sunmoon
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An oligosaccharide donor, acetylated sept-D-glucopyranose tetradecyl carbamate, was designed and synthesized. This compound could be easily linked to hydroxyl-containing compounds through an Oglycosidic bond. Characterization of all the oligosaccharide intermediates and the final product was thoroughly discussed. An oligosaccharide donor, acetylated sept-D-glucopyranose tetradecyl carbamate, was designed and synthesized. This compound could be be easily linked to hydroxyl-containing compounds through an Oglycosidic bond. Characterization of all the oligosaccharide intermediates and the final product was thoroughly discussed.
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