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在钓鱼活动中,诱饵和钓饵的运用,都是获鱼多少的重要因素。俗话说“三分钓位七分饵,能否聚食在色香。”尤其是冬天,在鱼类懒动少吃的情况下,如何把它引诱进窝,让其很快张嘴摄食,对饵料的品质就有更高的要求,比起春夏秋三季,要更为讲究, In fishing activities, the use of bait and bait are all important factors in how much fish are harvested. As the saying goes, “One-third of the bait fishing bait, can gather food in color incense.” "Especially in winter, lazy move less fish in the case, how to lure it into the nest, let it quickly mouth food, The quality of the food there is a higher request, compared to the spring, summer and autumn, to be more particular about,
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Symmetry of Tzénoff equations for unilateral holonomic system under the infinitesimal transformations equations are given. Sufficient and necessary condition o
A new nickel(Ⅱ) coordination complex [Ni(phen)3]·(m-nitrobenzoic acid)2·(H2O) was synthesized by self-assembly of m-nitrobenzoic acid, 1,10-phenanthroline an
Ergodicity of a spin-glass is broken at low temperatures; the system is trapped in one of many ergodic configurational domains. Transitions between different er
A synergistic catalytic effect between copper methanesulfonate and acetic acid in tetrahydropyranylation of alcohols and phenol at room temperature under solven
目的:分析丹参(SMB)注射液对宫颈癌细胞的促增殖效应及其相关调控分子表达的影响。方法将人宫颈癌Hela 细胞分别与终浓度为1.56 g/L、3.13 g/L、6.25 g/L、12.50 g/L、25.00 g/L、50.00 g/L
目的 通过对早期应用更昔洛韦葡萄糖注射液治疗甲型H1N1流感、手足口病的临床治疗效果、不良反应发生率对比分析,从而得出更昔洛韦葡萄糖注射液的临床应用范围和合理性使用的