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五年制语文第八册第八组教材是全册,也是整个四年级的最后一组教材。备课时首先要弄清全册教材读写训练的体系,以及本组在全册教材中的位置。综观全册教材,它的读写训练贯串着这样一条线索:理解中心思想——表达中心思想——做到中心明确、条理清楚。一、本组教材特点 1.词句教学要求较高.第八册读写训练的重点虽已转移到篇章结构上,但词句训练仍占较大比重。本组教材侧重从三个方面提高学生理解词语、运用词语的能力:一是通过查字典理解成语含义,区别意思相近的词语;二是在具 The eighth group of five-year language eighth volume textbook is the whole book, but also the last set of fourth-year textbook. The lesson preparation should first understand the whole book reading and writing training system, as well as the group in the full textbook position. Looking at the whole textbook, its reading and writing training runs through such a clue: understanding the central idea - expressing the central idea - making the center clear and well-defined. First, the characteristics of this group of teaching materials 1 words higher requirements of teaching the eighth reading and writing training has shifted to the focus of the chapter structure, but the word training still accounts for a large proportion. This group of textbooks focuses on improving students' understanding of words and their ability to use words from three aspects: one is to understand the meaning of idioms and distinguish the words with similar meanings by looking up the dictionary;
我担任小学五年级语文教学工作。在语文教学中,我发现学生的作文水平,普遍都很差。怎样提高学生的作文水平呢? 自己曾一度陷入了“苦思”之中。正在我愁眉莫展的时候,忽然想
我觉得对小学生进行长(正)方形面积(五年制数学第六册第四单元)教学时,借助于直观教具,采用“运动”的观点,适当渗透一点“变化”的数学思想是必要的,也是可行的。 I think
To assess the incidence of multiple primary malignancies combined with lung and other organs Methods All patients who were consecutively treated for lung canc
<正> (一)根据知识的内在联系,由旧导新,引发思维。除数是小数的除法是在学生学会除数是整数的小数除法的基础上进行教学的,关键在于把它转化为除数是整数的除法,然后按照用
我院自 1990年以来 ,对结肠癌引发的急性肠梗阻 12例行急诊手术 , 期肠切除肠吻合 ,效果满意。现报告如下。1 临床资料1.1 一般资料 本组 12例中 ,男性 9例 ,女性 3例。年