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古有松竹梅三友作伴,今人多亲近烟酒茶。 烟是有害之物,所以,善养生者,多戒烟。 酒喝多了伤身体,酗酒会乱性,甚至会作出让世人所不齿的事情来;但是,少量饮酒却能和畅气血、疏通经络,与一些中草药相配制,则成为药酒,有治病疗疾的效应。 茶是情感的载体,以茶祭祖、以茶敬客、以茶为媒的风俗至今依存储在中国人血脉的深处;喝茶可以预防和治疗多种疾病,甚至爱饮茶 Ancient bamboo Shumei three Friends, now more than tobacco and tea. Smoke is harmful, so good health, quit smoking more. Alcohol drunk more hurt the body, alcoholism can be confusing, and even make things delusional to the world; However, a small amount of drinking but can and blood, clear the meridians, and some Chinese herbal medicine to match, then become a wine, Therapeutic effect. Tea is the carrier of emotion. The custom of using tea to worship ancestors and tea as a medium has so far been stored in the depths of Chinese bloodlines. Drinking tea can prevent and treat many diseases, and even love drinking tea
A Two-hop Wireless Network (TWN) is the basic topology structure that provides network coding opportunity for improving throughput. Network coding on a homogene
This article aims at designing a new Multivariate Quadratic (MQ) public-key scheme to avoid the linearization attack and differential attack against the Matsumo
Recently, privacy concerns become an increasingly critical issue. Secure multi-party computation plays an important role in privacy-preserving. Secure multi-par
(美国《时代》周刊11月4日一期文章)题:你想喝什么颜色的茶 红茶:在美国,红茶占茶叶消费量的90%。据认为,喝红茶对身体有许多好处。研究表明,红茶似乎能提高冠心病患者的血管
划分问题是一类常见的 NP完备的优化问题 ,本文利用推广的 Hopfield神经网络模型解决了划分问题 ,并取得了较好的效果 ,为这个问题的解决提供了一条新的途径。同时 ,也为解决
Error propagation seriously degenerate the diversity order of Decode-and-Forward (DF) cooperative communication. To address this problem, a novel Log Likelihood
每日梳头五百下,精明宅府保平安 勤梳头是一项积极的、最简单经济的保健方法。为此,有了“日梳五百不嫌多”的说法,要求最好是“晨梳2~5回,下午再梳1回”,“1回以2分钟计算,