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反腐败斗争必须把握市场经济特性及其双重影响应当指出:市场经济与腐败消极现象并没有必然的联系,当前不正之风和消极腐败现象也并不是发展社会主义市场经济的必然结果.但是,由于市场经济特性的双重影响,它带来的负面效应也是不可忽视的.不认清这一点,就难以取得当前反腐败斗争的主动权.市场经济有哪些特性及其带来哪些双重影响呢? 一是竞争性的影响.竞争性原则是市场经济的显著特点.社会主义市场经济运行中的激烈竞争,是在根本利益一致前提下的优胜劣汰,是公平合理的竞争.这种竞争性,必将有利于促进生产力的发展和经济效益的提高.同时,也要求全民 The anti-corruption struggle must grasp the characteristics of the market economy and its dual effects It should be pointed out that there is no necessary link between the market economy and the negative phenomena of corruption. The current unhealthy tendencies and negative corrupt practices are not the inevitable result of the development of a socialist market economy. However, The dual effects of the market economy and its negative effects can not be ignored.If we do not understand this point, it is difficult to obtain the initiative of the current anti-corruption struggle. What are the characteristics of the market economy and what are their dual effects? Is a competitive influence.Competitive principle is the salient feature of the market economy.The fierce competition in the operation of the socialist market economy is based on the premise of the fundamental interests of the survival of the fittest is a fair and reasonable competition.This competitive, Help to promote the development of productive forces and economic benefits, and at the same time, require the people as a whole
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