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日本当代文字学家笹原宏之先生编著《当て字.当て読み漢字表現辞典》,由日本三省堂出版社于2010年11月正式出版。该辞书凝聚作者数十年心血,荟萃主词条约1万1千,当字表记词条约2万3千,篇幅912页,集日本当字辞书之大成,后出转精,特色鲜明。一、取材广泛,内容宏富,信实可靠。网罗当字/当读等汉字表现的方方面面,淋漓尽致展示丰富多彩的汉字变异现象,为研究域外汉字提供活标本、活化石,是汉字研究的宝库。二、取材贴近生活,反映言语实际,是日本当代社会语言的晴雨表,现行汉字生活的一面镜子。辞书以媒介为中心,涉及报纸、杂志、小说、漫画、电视、广告、歌词、网络等,是社会语言学研究的重要收获。三、凸显“当て読み”重要性,揭示振假名在“当て字”现象中的重要作用,是借字研究的理论突破。该辞书的出版,对于汉字文化研究,特别是中日汉字比较研究,提出了许多重要课题。本文原为日文,附于《当て字.当て読み漢字表現辞典》第892-901页,共九节,作者节译其中三部分发表,以飨读者。 Japanese contemporary linguist Mr. Hiroyuki Uehara edited “when the word. When て 読 み Chinese performance dictionary”, by the three provinces in Japan published in November 2010 the official publication. The dictionary condensed the author decades of hard work, a blend of essay treaty 11000, when the word table entry treaty 23000, length 912 pages, set the word when dictionaries of Japan, after the refined, distinctive . First, a wide range of materials, rich content, credible. Net Luo words / when reading and other aspects of Chinese performance, vividly demonstrate the colorful Chinese character variation, in order to study providing extra-core Chinese characters live specimens, living fossils, is a treasure house of Chinese characters. Second, drawn close to life, reflecting the actual language is a barometer of the Japanese contemporary social language, the current life of a mirror of Chinese characters. Media as the center of dictionaries, involving newspapers, magazines, novels, comics, television, advertising, lyrics, network, etc., is an important harvest of sociolinguistics. Third, it highlights the importance of “て 読 み み” and reveals the important role played by the pseudonym in the phenomenon of “て て 字”, which is a theoretical breakthrough in borrowing words. The publication of the dictionaries has raised many important topics for the study of the study of Chinese characters, especially for the comparative study of Chinese characters between China and Japan. This article was originally written in Japanese and attached to the “When the word when the て み み Chinese Performance Dictionary” on page 892-901, a total of nine sections, the author section translated three of them published in order to readers.
近几年,无论是土生土长的怀柔人,还是到过怀柔的人,都有一个共同的感受:怀柔县城越来越美丽了! 如诗如画的美丽浸透了无数怀柔儿女的心血和汗水,其中也有他——怀建集团总公
张清池有个解不开的水利情结。 20年前,张清池在夏津县水利局就以其“干劲”和“犟劲”有口皆碑。20年间,张清池从技术员到财务科长、副局长,变换了几种工作。如今,小张成了