Previously unknown behavior in parasitic cuckoo females: male-like vocalization during migratory act

来源 :鸟类学研究(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:p2908892
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Background: In the last decade, enigmatic male-like cuckoo calls have been reported several times in East Asia.These calls exhibited a combination of vocal traits of both Oriental Cuckoo (Cuculus optatus) and Common Cuckoo (Cuculus canorus) advertising calls, and some authors therefore suggested that the enigmatic calls were produced by either Common × Oriental Cuckoo male hybrids or Common Cuckoo males having a gene mutation. However, the exact identity of calling birds are still unknown. Methods: We recorded previously unknown male-like calls from three captive Oriental Cuckoo females, and com-pared these calls with enigmatic vocalizations recorded in the wild as well as with advertising vocalizations of Com-mon and Oriental Cuckoo males. To achieve this, we measured calls automatically. Besides, we video-recorded captive female emitting male-like calls, and compared these recordings with the YouTube recordings of calling males of both Common and Oriental Cuckoos to get insight into the mechanism of call production. Results: The analysis showed that female male-like calls recorded in captivity were similar to enigmatic calls recorded in the wild. Therefore, Oriental Cuckoo females might produce the latter calls. Two features of these female calls appeared to be unusual among birds. First, females produced male-like calls at the time of spring and autumn migratory activity and on migration in the wild. Because of this, functional significance of this call remained puzzling. Secondly, the male-like female call unexpectedly combined features of both closed-mouth (closed beak and simulta-neous inflation of the 'throat sac') and open-mouth (prominent harmonic spectrum and the maximum neck exten-sion observed at the beginning of a sound) vocal behaviors. Conclusions: The Cuculus vocalizations outside the reproductive season remain poorly understood. Here, we found for the first time that Oriental Cuckoo females can produce male-like calls in that time. Because of its rarity, this call might be an atavism. Indeed, female male-like vocalizations are still known in non-parasitic tropical and apparently more basal cuckoos only. Therefore, our findings may shed light on the evolution of vocal communication in avian brood parasites.