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金沙江下游的推移质输移规律及其泥沙来量和级配对梯级水库的淤积分布以及河势将产生长远影响,需要开展深入研究。在金沙江下游入库控制站三堆子水文站水尺上游100 m布设推移质测验断面,对该站2007年、2008年的推移质进行了测验;分析了卵石推移质的年内分布、横向分布、级配以及推移质输移与水位、流量、流速的关系。研究表明:三堆子河段卵石推移质具有数量大、粒径大、时间集中、强推带集中、推移带随水位左右摆动的特征;全年输沙量接近500000 t;最大粒径卵石一般在140~170 m之间,最大粒径230 mm以上;推移量主要集中在汛期,尤以7~9月为甚,占全年的90%以上;强推带为140~180 m 4条垂线,其输沙量占整个断面输沙量的90%以上;洪水期推移带向右岸偏移,低水期则向左岸偏移。 The law of translocation and mass transport in the lower reaches of the Jinsha River, the amount and distribution of sediment to the siltation distribution of the cascade reservoirs and the river regime will have a long-term impact. The transitional quality test section was laid at 100 m upstream of the water level of the Sandaizi Hydrological Station in the downstream sedimentation station of the Jinsha River control station to test the quality of the station in 2007 and 2008. The annual and lateral distribution of pebble bedload was analyzed , Gradation and the relationship between mass transport and water level, flow rate and flow rate. The research shows that the pebble bedrock of the Sandaizi reach is characterized by large number, large grain size, concentrated time, concentrated push belt and swinging belt with the water level swinging around. The annual sediment discharge is close to 500000t. The largest diameter pebble is generally The maximum diameter is more than 230 mm between 140 and 170 m. The displacement is mainly concentrated in the flood season, especially from July to September, accounting for more than 90% of the whole year. The strong push belt is 140-180 m long The amount of sediment transport accounted for more than 90% of the sediment discharge of the entire section. During the flood period, the migration belt shifted to the right bank and the low water phase shifted to the left bank.
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众一; 声,_ 摹孟 以·‘昭陵陪葬墓出土的壁画@王保平 Public one; sound, _ M Meng to ’Zhao Ming mural unearthed mural @ Wang Baoping