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上海大众汽车有限公司自1985年成立后走过了一条由小到大如同滚雪球般的不断积累滚动发展的道路。1985年我们生产了1733辆轿车,1992年是6万5千辆,1993年达到了10万辆, 1996年我们完成了20万辆轿车的生产任务,并形成了30万辆的年生产能力。 一开始我们只生产桑塔纳轿车一种车型,接着我们生产了桑塔纳旅行车,1995年起我们生产了桑塔纳2000型轿车并自1996年起增加生产了桑塔纳2000电喷型轿车,形成了两个系列四种产品的结构,面向未来,我们仍将有大的举措,近期内我们将向市场投放一种全新的非常先进的发动机,中期计划投产一种新车型,这种新车型是由上海大众和德国大众联合开发的。 上海大众是中德两国成功合作的一个缩影。中德双方的投资者在合资企业开业后8年间把所有的利润都投入了扩大再生产,没有分过一分钱的红利,这充分表明双方都对它们共同的合资项目充满了信心。经过中德双方的同舟共济,终于使这棵中德合作的幼苗长成了参天大树,并结下了累累硕果。上海大众所取得的成功是与中国外商投资企业协会的支持分不开的。上海大众成立之初,德方投资者对中国的改革开放的政策并不熟悉,也曾因此而产生了一些决策上的犹豫,稍后中国外资投资企业协会成立了,协会成立后我们不断从它那里获得有关政策、法规的最 Since its establishment in 1985, Shanghai Volkswagen Automotive Co., Ltd. has gone through a road of snowball rolling from small to large. In 1985, we produced 1,733 cars. In 1992, it was 65,000. In 1993, it reached 100,000. In 1996, we completed the production of 200,000 cars and formed an annual production capacity of 300,000 vehicles. In the beginning, we only produced one type of Santana sedan. Then we produced the Santana wagon. Since 1995, we have produced the Santana 2000 sedan and, since 1996, increased the production of the Santana 2000 e-spray sedan, forming two series four. The structure of this product is facing the future. We will continue to have major initiatives. In the near future, we will launch a brand new and very advanced engine to the market. The medium-term plan will put into production a new model. This new model will be Shanghai Volkswagen and Germany. Volkswagen developed jointly. Shanghai Volkswagen is a microcosm of successful cooperation between China and Germany. Both Chinese and German investors invested all their profits in the expansion and reproduction of the joint venture within eight years after the start of the joint venture. There was no dividend of one cent, which fully shows that both parties are full of confidence in their joint venture project. Thanks to the concerted efforts of China and Germany, the seedlings of this Sino-German cooperation have finally become towering trees and have accumulated fruitful results. The success of Shanghai Volkswagen is inseparable from the support of the China Association of Enterprises with Foreign Investment. At the beginning of the establishment of Shanghai Volkswagen, German investors were unfamiliar with China’s reform and opening up policies, and this caused some hesitation in decision-making. Later, the China Association of Foreign Investment Enterprises was established. After the founding of the Association, we continued to Where the most relevant policies and regulations were obtained
天津锣厂 天津市河北区北站外。邮编300011。生产各种响铜乐器。 怀来锣厂 河北省怀来县新保安镇。邮编075431。生产各种响铜乐器。 武汉锣厂 武汉市武昌洪山石牌岭。邮编43