,Fiber-based joint time and frequency dissemination via star-shaped commercial telecommunication net

来源 :中国物理B(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:conan_1126
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A fiber-based,star-shaped joint time and frequency dissemination scheme is demonstrated.By working in cooperation with the existing commercial telecommunication network.Our scheme enables the frequency,time,and digital data networks to be integrated together and could represent an ideal option of interconnection among scientific institutions.The compensation functions of the time and frequency transfer scheme are set at the client nodes.The complexity of the central node is thus reduced,and future expansion by the addition of further branches will be accomplished more easily.During a performance test in which the ambient temperature fluctuation is 30 ℃/day,timing signal dissemination stability is achieved to be approximately ±50 ps along 25-km-long fiber spools.After calibration,a timing signal synchronization accuracy of 100 ps is also realized.The proposed scheme offers an option of the construction of large-scale fiber-based frequency and time transfer networks.
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