
来源 :中国投资与建设 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jeffersonvon
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改革开放15年来,建筑业为国民经济的发展、城乡面貌的改观和人民物质文化生活水平的提高作出了重要的贡献。在这15年中,建筑业完成全社会固定资产投资额相当于建国后前30年总和的3.6倍。建成各类工业、能源、交通、邮电、农林、水利、文教、科技、军工等项目数十万个。1993年全社会建筑业完成总产值7335亿元,净产值2054亿元,分别为1978年的3.8倍和4.5倍,净产值占国民收入的8.2%。在这15年中,建筑业吸纳了大量的剩余劳动力,为农村的稳定和城市的就业作出了贡献。建筑业平均从业人数增长速度为7.8%,是全社会平均就业人数增长速度的3倍多,1993年已达到1800万人,比1978年增长了7.9倍。 In the past 15 years of reform and opening up, the construction industry has made important contributions to the development of the national economy, the improvement of the urban and rural landscape, and the improvement of people’s material and cultural living standards. In these 15 years, the construction industry completed the investment in fixed assets of the whole society equivalent to 3.6 times the sum of the first 30 years after the founding of the PRC. We have built hundreds of thousands of projects in various industries including industry, energy, transportation, post and telecommunications, agriculture, forestry, water conservancy, culture, education, science and technology, and military industry. In 1993, the entire society construction industry achieved a total output value of 733.5 billion yuan, net output value of 205.4 billion yuan, 3.8 times and 4.5 times that of 1978, respectively, and net output value accounted for 8.2% of national income. During these 15 years, the construction industry has absorbed a large amount of surplus labor and contributed to the stability of the countryside and the employment of the city. The average growth rate of the construction industry is 7.8%, which is more than three times the average growth rate of the total employment of the whole society. In 1993, it had reached 18 million people, an increase of 7.9 times compared with 1978.
一向被誉为世界“半导体王国”的日本,其地位正受到来自美国和韩国的夹击。 日本《读卖新闻》报道说,在1993年全球半导体市场的排名榜上,美国“摩托罗拉”已由前年的第4位上
据美国《化学市场报》报道,今年以来,全球尤其是亚洲地区对纯碱的需求十分强劲,导致世界纯碱市场销售量迅速上升,价格上涨,预计这一趋势将在今后一、二年内持续下去。 国际
近几年,世界石材产量连年上升,石材产品品种有所调整,1993年世界石材产量达3400万吨,比10年前增加了72%。 世界上大约有80多个国家生产石材,但具有一定规模、年产量超过10万