
来源 :中华活页文选(初三年级) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kensy
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高尔基曾说过,书是人类进步的阶梯。在我的初中生活中,除了语文课本之外,一直伴在我身边的还有《中华活页文选》,它犹如一篇谱曲,为单调的生活增添绚烂。每次学校发《中华活页文选》的时候,同学们总是最高兴的,拿到手立即翻开阅读,就像饥饿的人,迫不及待地拆开食品包装纸一样。我与他们不同的是,我并不急着翻开,因为每次拿到这本书,我总会先仔细看封面。每一期《中华活页文选》的封面都很美,每一期的封面上都会印出编者最 Gorky once said that books are the ladder of human progress. In my junior high school life, in addition to the Chinese textbooks, there is also “Chinese loose-leaf anthology”, which is like a compilation of music, monotonous life to add gorgeous. Every time a school sends a “Chinese loose-leaf anthology,” students are always happiest and get hands open for reading immediately, just as hungry people can not wait to unpack the food wrapping paper. I am different from them, I am in no hurry to open, because each time I get the book, I always look carefully at the cover. Each issue of “Chinese loose-leaf anthologies” are beautiful cover, the cover of each issue will print the editor most
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