The Chinese Lion Dance 中国舞狮

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  The Chinese Lion Dance is much like the Chinese Dragon Dance. They are both important festivities1 for Chinese festivals, specially Chinese New Year. People think that they can bring good luck and drive away bad things. The difference between the two is that the Dragon Dance is performed2 by a group of 12 dancers, but the Lion Dances performed by only 2 dancers.
  The Lion Dancers need to move very quickly when they perform lots of difficult moves. One takes the head and the other takes the body of the Lion.
  The Chinese Lion Dance start on New Year’s Day and keep going until the end of all festivities. During that time, the lion dancers run along the streets to bring good luck to everyone they meet. They visit many places, like stores, restaurants and businesses3...As they go, a “laughing Buddha4” will go with them. That “laughing Buddha” uses a fan5 to make lions perform those moves, like jump and sit down. And people along the way will throw6 red envelopes7 with money to the Lion’s mouth.
  Businesses will hang8 some vegetables with the red envelope. The Lion group will have to get the green vegetables. Usually the dancer in the body position9 needs to help the dancer in the head position to get the greens. They “eat” the money and throw up the vegetables. They throw the fresh10 vegetables around to give out the good luck and also to mean a“fresh start” for the new year. Sometimes the greens are put on the floor for the lions, too.
  商家会在红色信封上挂一些蔬菜,狮子们要去拿这些绿色的菜。通常,身位的舞者需要帮助头位的舞者拿到青菜。他们把钱 “吃”掉,把菜吐出来。他们把新鲜的青菜散出去,是为了送出好运,也意味着新的一年有一个“新的开始”。有时,青菜也会被放在地上给狮子“吃”。
  There are two kinds of lions. The Northern Lions are very difficult with the lions performing moves. In the Chinese New Year Temple Fairs11 in Beijing, Northern Lions’ performances are so interesting that many people would come to see.
  The Southern Lions are the most seen ones in our life. The performances have been more funny than difficult. But their performances are being influenced12 a lot by the Northern lions so that some of the performances are just as difficult and interesting.
  1. festivity n. 庆祝活动 2. perform
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