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素有“黔东要塞”和“千里苗疆门户”之称的三穗县,历史悠久,民风淳厚,民族文化源远流长。三穗县是一个人杰地灵的地方,拥有着丰富的民族文化,三穗县的诗词可以很好的反映出三穗县的民俗民风,具有较高的研究价值。本文即将通过分析法将三穗县的诗词来做一个比较透彻的研究,以弘扬三穗文化。《三穗诗词选》是一部由三穗县政协委员会所编写的诗词选集,其中收录有明、清时期的诗词二十九首,民国时期的诗词六十四首。本文在前人研究的基础上,对三穗县明清民国时期的诗词作进一步的研究与整理,并针对不同类型的诗词的艺术特色加以分析,以加深对三穗县明清民国时期的诗词的认识与了解。 Sansui County, known as the “Fortress of Eastern Qiandong” and “Thousands Miao Portals”, has a long history and a long history of folk customs. The national culture has a long history. Sansui County is a place with outstanding people and rich ethnic culture. The poems of Sansui County can well reflect the folk customs of Sansui County and have high research value. This article is about to make a comparatively thorough study on the poems of Sansui County through analytical method in order to promote Sansui Culture. The “Three Spikes Poetry Selection” is a collection of poems compiled by the committee of the CPPCC Sansui County, which contains 29 poems of the Ming and Qing Dynasties and 64 poems of the Republic of China. Based on the previous studies, this article further studies and sorts the poems of the Ming Dynasty and the Republic of China during the period of the Ming Dynasty, the Ming Dynasty and the Republic of China, and analyzes the artistic features of different types of poems so as to deepen their appreciation of the poems Understanding and understanding.
There were many people on the bus and no vacant seats. When a young man entered, an old lady attempted There were many people on the bus and no vacant seats. W
在一生中,我们每个人一定曾有过一次退至静处,放浪形骸那种妙不可言的感觉。我们感到无拘无束、天马行空,把那日常生活的烦恼和困扰我们的困难抛到东洋大海。 In our lives,
正值2006年中国“俄罗斯文化年”活动之际,让我们到俄罗斯的首都莫斯科去看看,感受那里独特的历史、文化风情。 At the time of the 2006 China Cultural Year of Russia ev
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江湖中自从出了一个名叫乐惊天的流寇,王爷便一直在犯难。  乐惊天不比别的流寇,别的流寇尚存一分道义,对受害人并不赶尽杀绝,以防人家在绝望中奋起反击。可是乐惊天不同,他以杀人为乐,没有任何理由,他只要想杀人,便要杀人。更为可怕的是,他不仅武功之高,世所罕至,今日在川西作案,明日便可在川东为非作歹。寻常江湖好汉奔走川西、川东,少说也得三四天时间,可是乐惊天居然能够做到朝发夕至。  先前也曾有护院好手主
“以假乱真”的意思是用假的冒充真的,使人真假难辨,可以译为:to pass off the fakeas the real thing,to create confusion by passingoff the spurious as genuine 或 to