肥料作为重要的农业生产资料,其投入的数量与质量,直接关系到农业生产水平和农民生产效益的高低。 鉴别肥料质量的方法可以概括为5个字:看、摸、烧、试、测。看:就是通过肉眼观看肥料的外观、结晶形状或颗粒成形、颜色、光泽等物理性状来比较判断其质量。摸:就是用手去摸
Fertilizer as an important agricultural means of production, the quantity and quality of its inputs, is directly related to the level of agricultural production and farmers production efficiency level. Identification of fertilizer quality methods can be summarized as 5 words: look, touch, burning, test, test. See: It is through the naked eye to see the appearance of fertilizer, crystal shape or particle shape, color, gloss and other physical properties to judge its quality comparison. Touch: touch is to use hand