淮河儿女擎巨旗 再展宏图震环宇——纪念毛泽东同志题词“一定要把淮河修好”发表40周年

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新中国成立伊始,摆在中央政府和人民面前的淮河是个“大雨大灾,小雨小灾,无雨旱灾”千疮百孔的烂摊子,人民在政治上翻身解放,当家做了主人,但却没有能够摆脱淮河流域频繁自然灾害阴影和困挠。1949年、1950年淮河流域连续两年遭受洪水灾害,数千万亩农田被淹,数百万灾民流离失所,嗷嗷待哺,灾情十分严重。 1950年6—7月,河南、安徽相继发生洪灾,华东防汛总指挥部给中央防总发出了紧急电报,报告了淮河流域严重的水情、灾情。毛泽东主席看了电报后,心情十分焦急和沉重,当即批转政务院周恩来总理:“周:除目前防救外,须考虑根治办法,现在开始准备,秋起即组织大规模导淮工程。期以一年完成导淮,免去明年水患。请邀请有关人员讨论:(一)目前防救。(二)根本导淮两个问题。” At the beginning of the founding of New China, the Huai River in front of the central government and the people was a riddled mess with heavy rains, small rainstorms and no rainstorms. The people turned politically over and liberated, but the masters made their home but did not Able to get rid of the Huaihe River basin frequent natural disasters shadow and difficulties. In 1949 and 1950, the Huaihe River Basin suffered a flood disaster for two consecutive years. Tens of millions of mu of farmland flooded and millions of displaced people were displaced. From June to July 1950, floods occurred successively in Henan and Anhui Provinces. The East China Flood Control Headquarters sent an emergency telegram to the Central Defense Department and reported severe water conditions and disasters in the Huaihe River Basin. After reading the telegram, Chairman Mao Zedong was in a very anxious and heavy mood and immediately approved Premier Zhou Enlai of the State Council: "Week: In addition to the current rescue measures, we must consider a radical solution and preparations are now underway. In the autumn, large-scale Huai-Huai projects will be organized. One year to complete the Huaihe River, eliminating floods next year, please invite the relevant personnel to discuss: (a) the current rescue (b) the two fundamental problems of guiding Huai.
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