同步训练 初中第五册六单元(二)

来源 :作文大王(初中版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:li2008shuai
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题目以“绿”为中心来拟题,写一篇作文。参考题目:1.我心中的绿色世界2.绿,生命的色彩3.我流连那片绿色(苏教版)提示:要写好该题目,一定要先弄懂“绿”的含义——绿代表什么?绿,可以是一种颜色,被调进画家的笔墨;绿,可以代表环保,引起我们对环境问题的联想和思考;绿,也可以是一 The topic is based on “green” to formulate a topic and write an essay. Reference title: 1. The green world in my heart 2. Green, the color of life 3. I linger in that piece of green (Su PEP) Tip: To write this topic, be sure to understand the meaning of “green”—green. What does it mean? Green, which can be a color, is transferred to the artist’s brushstrokes; green, can represent environmental protection, arouse our association and thinking about environmental issues; green, can also be a
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黄圃只是一个不起眼的小镇,但这几年发展蒸蒸日上,人民过着幸福美好的生活。镇里先从环境卫生抓起,人们改掉了多 Huang Pu is only a humble town, but development has bee
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车辆行驶安全连着你我他,更让各级领导牵挂。山西省阳泉市城区人武部非常重视车辆安全管理工作,为教育本部司机守规遵纪,聘请交警为驾驶员进行业务培训,同时对车 Vehicle dr