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发展第三产业对于促进生产、繁荣经济、方便人民生活、解决就业问题都有重要的意义。第三产业的概念,从广意讲,包括信息、交通、邮电、运输、旅游、科研、咨询、银行、卫生、文艺、教育等;从狭义说:是指商业、饮食、服务、修理等行业,这里称“小三”产业。现就农村“小三”产业的发展前途,提出一些粗浅的见解。农村产业结构调整为发展“小三”产业提供了广阔前景 1,农村商品生产扩大,产业结构调整,引起了流通领域里商品总量增加。按照南通县政府规划,1990年工农业总产值比1984年增加63.34%,商品总量增加71%。在党的新经济政策鼓舞下,乡镇企业正在起飞。1984年南通县乡镇村(包括联合体和家庭工业)产值占全县工业产值 The development of the tertiary industry is of great significance to the promotion of production, the prosperity of the economy, the convenience of the people and the solution to the employment problem. The concept of tertiary industry, from the broad sense, including information, transportation, post and telecommunications, transport, tourism, research, consulting, banking, health, literature and art, education, etc .; narrow sense: refers to the commercial, catering, service, repair and other industries , Here called “small three” industry. Now on the rural “Little Three” industry’s future development, put forward some superficial insights. The adjustment of rural industrial structure has provided broad prospects for the development of the “third-generation” industries. 1. The expansion of rural commodity production and the adjustment of industrial structure have brought about an increase in the total amount of commodities in circulation. According to the plan of the Nantong county government, the gross value of industrial and agricultural output in 1990 increased by 63.34% over 1984 and the total amount of goods increased by 71%. Inspired by the party’s new economic policy, township and village enterprises are taking off. 1984 Nantong County villages and towns (including the Commonwealth and the family industry) output value of the county’s industrial output value
2006年10月,江苏省启东市沈某驾驶二轮摩托车撞伤张某,经医院治疗,张某被鉴定构成十级伤残,交管部门认定沈某负事故主要责任,张某负次要责任。2007年6月,张某第一次手 In 20
世界上超过90%的录音都是采用emmlabs的器材录音的,emmlabs的设计师Ed Meitner原是为索尼和飞利浦DSD音频解码器的设计师。而索尼和飞利浦在制作SACD光盘的时候都使用到他的
我喜欢收藏,但从不刻意求之。我相信缘分,是你的,早晚是你的,不是你的,即使得到了,也会失去。就好比与玉如意的邂逅,不经意间,它在阑珊处,好似等了我许多年。  那次路过古玩市场,有一个摊主热情地招呼我,我在他地摊前蹲下来。他很健谈,问我从哪里来,到哪里去,如果有相中的东西,他可以优惠。他说,对深谙收藏之道的人,他从来都很慷慨。我笑而不语,而是细细地看他的物品。他以出售玉石为主,大到玉石桌椅、床榻,小
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