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搞好植保工作是实现农业稳步发展的重要措施之一。深化植保改革,开展技物结合,建立健全植保服务体系,是落实“科技兴农”必不可少的组织保证,也是国安民安的关键所在。 但是,在植保工作中也潜在一定的危机。过去已形成的植保体系和功能,已远远不能适应当前农村生产关系的调整和商品生产的发展。尤其是农村普遍实行以户为主的联产承包责任制以来,植保工作面对千家万户,力量显得更加薄弱。原来依附于公社、大队、生 Doing a good job in plant protection work is one of the important measures to realize the steady development of agriculture. Deepening the reform of plant protection, carrying out the combination of technology and materials, and establishing and improving the system of plant protection services are the key to ensuring the implementation of the principle of “rejuvenating agriculture with science and technology” and the key to national security. However, there is also a potential crisis in plant protection. The phytosanitary systems and functions that have been formed in the past have been far from being able to adapt to the current adjustment of rural productive relations and the development of commodity production. In particular, since the household-based contract responsibility system of household-based contract-based production has been practically implemented in rural areas, the plant protection work has become even more weak when faced with tens of thousands of households. Originally attached to the commune, brigade, students
生理性障害是影响油菜产量的重要因素之一。现就油菜常见生理性障害,分析其产生的原因,并提出一些防治措施。 红叶 油菜红叶将影响油菜的 Physiological disorders are one
油菜菌核病俗称霉蔸、烂秆、白秆,是油菜三大(菌核、白粉、霜霉)病害之首,遍及全国各油菜产区。 随着油菜杂交品种和高产栽培的推广,油菜菌核病的危害日益严重,已成为夺取高
1.供试农药 50%甲胺磷乳油1000倍(山东农药厂),30%安灭灵乳油1500倍(山东宁阳农药厂),40%氧化乐果乳油1000倍(山东农药厂),50%对硫磷乳油1000倍(山东乐陵农药厂),40%水胺硫磷乳油
当前,我省农民种植中药材日益增多。正确选用农药防治虫害很重要,是提高药材质量的关键措施。按国家规定,以下农药禁止在中药材上使用: 1.剧毒农药:通常品种是3911、甲基160
目的对比分析腹腔镜与开腹胃癌根治术治疗进展期胃癌的临床效果。方法 40例进展期胃癌患者,随机分为观察组和对照组,各20例。观察组给予腹腔镜胃癌根治术治疗,对照组给予开腹
Rectocillin 是广谱抗菌素氨苄青霉素与对耐药金色葡萄球菌等革兰氏阳性菌具有抗菌作用的邻氯苯甲异恶唑青霉素1:1组合而成。这不仅扩大了抗菌谱的范围,而且由两药的协同作