How to reduce the Al-texture in AlN films during film preparation

来源 :Optoelectronics Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:a717878213a
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The preparation of aluminum nitrogen(AlN) film without Al texture is of great significance for the manufacture of highperformance surface acoustic wave(SAW) device.We research the process factors which bring Al into AlN film due to radio frequency(RF) magnetron sputtering system,and discuss how the process parameters influence the AlN thin film containing Al.In the research,it is found that the high sputtering power,the low deposition pressures and low partial pressure of Ar can lead to growing Al-texture during AlN thin film preparation,and the experiment also shows that filling the chamber with nitrogen gas can recrystallize a small amount of Al composition into AlN film during the annealing process in the high temperature environment. The preparation of aluminum nitrogen (AlN) film without Al texture is of great significance for the manufacture of highperformance surface acoustic wave (SAW) device. We research the process factors which bring Al into AlN film due to radio frequency (RF) magnetron sputtering system , and discuss how the process parameters influence the AlN thin film containing Al. In the research, it is found that the high sputtering power, the low deposition pressures and low partial pressure of Ar can lead to growing Al-texture during AlN thin film preparation , and the experiment also shows that filling the chamber with nitrogen gas can recrystallize a small amount of Al composition into AlN film during the annealing process in the high temperature environment.
[摘要]词汇的学习是英语学习的基础。本文仅从一般和特殊的英语词汇教学方法两方面对词汇教学进行了探讨,旨在为词汇教学及其研究提供指导。  [关键词]单词量 教学艺术 效率    《英语课程标准》要求初中阶段掌握的词汇量是使用3000个单词和400到500个习惯用语和固定搭配。但目前初中学生的掌握的单词量远低于此。如何提高英语词汇教学的效率,使学生增加单词量,本文将从以下几个方面进行简要的论述。   
A new analytical model is developed for quantum-confinement effects of short channel surroundinggate MOSFETs.The eigenenergies and wavefunctions are obtained by
摘要 在全球化语境下,美国等西方国家以电影为手段输出西方的价值观念、宗教信仰、思维方式、消费文化等,将西方价值观与意识形态传播到世界各地,直接影响了我国的文化安全与文化产业发展。为此,应深入研究中国电影跨文化传播中面临的问题,通过多种方式提升中国电影的艺术品位和思想内涵,推进中国电影的民族化、国际化、时代化,以更好地促进中国电影的跨文化传播。  关键词:中国电影 跨文化 好莱坞 民族化  电影不仅
摘要:文学作品是一个国家的作家通过书面的形式给读者传递一种精神文化面貌的载体,优秀的文学作品可以说是一个国家或者民族价值观念、思想文化、民族风情的索引书,通过对这些文学作品的阅读,我们可以加深对这个国家文化的了解。外语专业的学生在学习第二语言的时候,通过对外国文学作品的阅读可以拓宽自己的文化知识层面,了解语言的知识点,从而提高自己的语言文化知识。  关键词:文学作品 语言知识 文学涵养  引言  
(《人民日报·海外版》1994年12月15日)(《中华工商时报》)三峡工程位置图@刘小青 (“People’s Daily Overseas Edition” December 15, 1994) (“China Business Times”)
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