
来源 :水力发电学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ylws09
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前言 东北是我国农工业基地,对今后的国民经济发展仍将起重要作用。东北的水电站在建设东北老工业基地和支援全国水电站建设中起了重大作用。然而由于工作中的失误,东北水电建设没有得到重视,水电比重一降再降(1956年水电装机比重为44.9%,1967年降至24.3%,1983年降至18.7%,发电量比重仅9.4%)。然而时至今日,当前在电力建设甚至一部分水电建设决策人中,仍然存在不少误解,至今没有从全国国民经济需要出发重视发挥东北老工业基地的作用。因此提出一些个人看法,供水电建设决策的参考。 Preface Northeast China is an agricultural industrial base and will continue to play an important role in the future development of the national economy. Northeast hydropower station in the construction of northeast old industrial base and support the construction of the national hydropower station has played a significant role. However, because of mistakes in work, Northeast hydropower construction did not get attention, the proportion of hydropower dropped lower and lower (1956 hydropower installed capacity of 44.9%, 1967 dropped to 24.3% in 1983 to 18.7%, the proportion of generating capacity was only 9.4% ). However, up to now, many misunderstandings still exist in power construction and even some decision-makers for hydropower construction. So far, they have not attached importance to playing the role of an old industrial base in northeast China from the needs of the national economy. Therefore, some personal opinions are put forward for the reference of the decision-making of hydropower construction.
The present paper summarizes the results of previous studies, including the structure and principle of the rotary ring flume for researching the fine sediment m
[摘 要]语言是文化的载体,是文化的主要表现形式。不同民族有着不同的文化、历史、风俗习惯和风土人情等,各民族的文化和社会风俗又都在该民族的语言中表现出来了。所以,语言的教学不能独立于文化知识的传授。本文从跨文化意识与英语教学的关系入手,阐述了在英语教学中如何培养学生的跨文化意识。  [关键词]跨文化意识 英语教学 原则 措施    一、跨文化意识与英语教学    在美国有这样一个几乎人人皆知的句子
第五届国际城市暴雨排水学术会议(Fifth International Conference on UrbanStorm drainage)将于1990年7月23日至27日在日本大阪召开。会议交流和讨论的主要内容:(1)不同水
尽管每一座坝都有潜在的危险,但如果坝的运行状态有连续的监测,迅速得出资料分析的结果以及预先采取相应的防范措施的话,多数坝的失事灾难是可能避免的.一、监测仪器 Altho