蔡元培(1868—1940)是中国近代史上伟大的教育家、政治活动家。他任北京大学校长期间,极力整治北大腐败的学风,在学生中发起成立各种学会、研究会,把学生的精力和兴趣吸引到研究学问上,主张思想自由、兼容并包,提倡科学和民主,使北大学风大为改观,成为3K Ilt新文化运动的重要阵地。在五四运动中,北大学生多人被捕,蔡元培极力营救。当时临朐籍学生李复昌正在北大法科读书。李复昌字元一,号亚东(1895-1973),柳山镇后疃村人。少年聪慧,品学兼优。1916年考人北京大学法科,祖父修符赋诗送行。诗日:分科大学设燕京,送汝负笈列众
Cai Yuanpei (1868-1940) is a great educator and political activist in modern Chinese history. During his tenure as president of Peking University, he tried his utmost to rectify Peking University’s corrupt style of learning and initiated the establishment of various societies and seminars among students to attract students’ energy and interests to the study of science. He advocated freedom of thought, inclusiveness, advocacy of science and democracy, North University wind greatly changed, as 3K Ilt new culture movement important position. During the May Fourth Movement, more than one student was arrested and Cai Yuanpei tried his best to rescue him. At that time, Lin Fushi students Li Fichang is studying law at Peking University. Li Fichang characters a, No. Yadong (1895-1973), Liutui Town after the village people. Junior intelligent, good character and academic. 1916 test Peking University law, grandfather Xiu Fu poems. Poetry Day: Branch University set up Yanjing, send Ru negative 笈 public