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目的分析武汉某集体生活单位的一起甲3型流感暴发流行的基本情况,探讨流行因素及防治措施。方法对2004年8月5日至8月14该单位所有发病人数进行流行病学调查,描述和分析流行病学、病原学、临床情况及防治措施等相关资料。结果该集体单位142人共发病32人,罹患率为22.54%;发病时间为8月4日,8日达到高峰,13日以后再未新发病例;临床表现以发热、咽痛、咳嗽为主,全身中毒症状比较明显,实验室检查阳性率为58.33%,病毒分型为甲3型;采取控制传染源、切断传播途径、保护易感人群为主的综合防治措施后,该单位再无新发病例发生。结论根据流感的流行因素,流行规律以及临床特点,及时进行病毒分离,明确病原及诊断,及时排除H1N1、禽流感H7N9等其他呼吸道传染病的感染,采用综合防治措施,防止甲3型流感在聚集性场所中的暴发流行。 Objective To analyze the prevalence of influenza A (H3N3) outbreak in a collective living unit in Wuhan, and to explore the prevailing factors and preventive measures. Methods From August 5 to August 14, 2004, the epidemiological survey of all the patients in this unit was carried out, and the relevant information such as epidemiology, etiology, clinical situation and prevention and treatment measures were described and analyzed. Results The collective unit of 142 co-morbidities of 32 people, the attack rate was 22.54%; onset time of August 4, reached the peak on the 8th, no further cases after 13 days; clinical manifestations of fever, sore throat, cough-based , The symptoms of systemic poisoning were obvious, the positive rate of laboratory tests was 58.33%, and the virus type was type A 3. After the comprehensive prevention and control measures were taken to control the source of infection, cut off the route of transmission and protect the predominant population, Occurrence of cases. Conclusion According to the prevalence, prevalence and clinical characteristics of influenza, virus isolation should be carried out in time to clarify the pathogen and diagnosis, to timely eliminate the infection of other respiratory diseases such as H1N1 and H7N9. Comprehensive prevention and control measures should be taken to prevent Influenza A Outbreaks in sex venues.
羊的世界里,并不怕狼,狼的存在虽然危险,但警惕便够。但若把狼换作狐狸,羊便要谋求更好的办法了,因为——狐狸是容易成精的。    [一]    结婚六年,老夫夫妻了;创业五年,事业也安定了。  罗俏将这话抛给胡美丽的时候,脸上正覆着面膜,黑绿的海澡泥盖不住她满足的表情。胡美丽一边替她按摩一边有意无意地提醒,哟,你的婚姻,差一年便是七年之痒;家产倒是中康,可中康阶段的男人,心都是很野的哦。  罗俏无奈
别以为“达人”是网络时代的新鲜词,那是没文化的新世代土人才有的想法。早在两千多年前的《左传》里就有这样的句子:“圣人有明德者,若不当世,其后必有达人。”而唐代大儒孔颖达把这个“达人”解释为“谓知能通达之人。”在某个领域通达、知晓,可不就是我们现在时髦用语中的“达人”真义?  不过,冤有头、债有主,那些口口声声自称或称许人家是达人的时尚人士,又有几个会从《左传》里找灵感呢?非要说达人是个古词汇,未免
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