
来源 :中国酒 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:moon_pine
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眼下,国际石油价格暴涨,美国甚至动用了战略储备石油,国内汽车用油价格也是一涨再涨。有专家指出:世界已进入“准石油危机”。石油作为不可再生能源,终究有告磬的一天,在太阳能、风能、潮汐能、核能等能源的利用和推广尤其是推广存在一定难度的今天,我们以什么作为能源?与此同时,一方面国家年年用保护价收购粮食以保护农民的利益,另一方面国库中普遍存在粮食陈化的问题。此外还有连年丰收的农业杂粮、特粮及榨糖工业的副产品糖蜜等等。于是,能源专家们将目光瞄准了酒精。据悉,用酒精与石油配制成的石油醇作燃料,每年可节约400万吨石油。目前我国酒精年生产能力500万吨,但开工严重不足,同时巴西等南美糖蜜酒精生产大国以及美国等酒精生产大国正对中国市场虎视眈眈,只等中国加入WTO,便会蜂涌而至。以酒精作燃料,无疑会对拉动我国酒精行业的增长起到不可小看的作用。那么我国酒精行业的现状及前景又如何?本文作者作了有益的探讨。 Right now, international oil prices have skyrocketed. The United States has even used strategic reserve oil, and domestic automobile oil prices have risen again. Some experts pointed out that the world has entered the “quasi-oil crisis.” As a non-renewable energy source, petroleum has a warning day. After all, there is a certain degree of difficulty in the use and promotion of solar energy, wind energy, tidal energy, nuclear energy and other energy resources. What do we use as energy? At the same time, on the one hand, In order to protect the interests of farmers, they use the protection price to purchase food every year. On the other hand, there are widespread problems of food grain aging in the treasury. In addition, there are agricultural crops, specialty grains, and by-products such as molasses, which have been harvested year after year. As a result, energy experts have focused their attention on alcohol. It is reported that using petroleum alcohol formulated with alcohol and petroleum as fuel can save 4 million tons of oil each year. At present, China’s annual alcohol production capacity is 5 million tons, but it is seriously inadequate. At the same time, countries such as Brazil, South America’s molasses and alcohol production, and the United States and other alcohol producing countries are eyeing the Chinese market. They will only wait for China to join the WTO. Using alcohol as fuel will undoubtedly stimulate the growth of China’s alcohol industry. What is the current situation and prospect of China’s alcohol industry? The author of this article made a useful discussion.
(一) 1991年,世界最大的国际市场卷烟制造商菲利普·莫里斯公司生产了当年全球出售的5500亿支卷烟中的11%。该公司的快速自动卷烟机每天24小时以每分钟17000支左右的速度源源
一、地区工业竞争力测定方法本文提出一种地区工业竞争力测定模型。该模型由三部分组成 :1.产品销售率因子 (A) ;2 .增加值率因子 (B) ;3.生产率因子 (C)。这里 ,以某地区 (
在国企及国际同类石油公司中的定位和未来5 年至10 年的发展规划海洋石油总公司的优势主要是发展质量高、后劲足,公司的成长性很强。与此同时,也应看到在很多方面还存在不足:规
在未来持续发展和不可预测的市场环境中 ,敏捷制造成为保持企业竞争地位与生存发展的一个重要战略 ,敏捷制造的最终目的是实现大批量定制生产 (MassCus tomizationProduction
我国老工业基地的形成和发展老工业基地是一个国家历史形成的工业力量和财富的巨大聚集地。老工业基地的调整和改造 ,是世界上发达国家都经历过、现在仍在经历着的重要课题。