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在社会主义市场经济条件下,作为医院管理者要正确认识医疗市场的特点和医院的性质,并根据其特点和性质,紧密结合本单位的实际情况,不断探索医疗卫生改革和发展的新路子,促进医院的经营和发展。一、更新观念,树立市场意识社会主义市场经济体制的建立,使卫生单位处于市场经济的大环境中,医院的管理者对此必须有一个清醒的认识,从思想上突破长期计划经济观念的束缚,牢固树立市场竞争意识、法制观念、成本效益观念、货币时间价值观念等。随着市场经济的发展,医院要把社会效益放在第一位,树立“以病人为中心”的管理理念,医院既要保证政府一定福利政策的实施,同时,又要满足社会不同层次的医疗需要,使广大人民群众得到质优价廉的卫生医疗保健服务。医疗服务市场竞争的日益激烈,医院内部的管理模式应由经验型向科学管理型 Under the condition of socialist market economy, as a hospital administrator, it is necessary to correctly understand the characteristics of the medical market and the nature of the hospital and, in accordance with its characteristics and nature, closely explore the new path of medical and health reform and development in light of the actual conditions of the unit, Promote the operation and development of the hospital. I. Renewing Ideas and Building Market Awareness The establishment of a socialist market economic system has enabled health units to be exposed to the macroeconomic conditions of a market economy. Hospital administrators must have a clear understanding of this and must ideologically break the shackles of long-term planned economic concepts , Firmly establish the awareness of market competition, the concept of legal system, the concept of cost-effectiveness, currency time values ​​and so on. With the development of market economy, the hospital should give top priority to social benefits and establish a “patient-centered” management philosophy. The hospital not only guarantees the implementation of certain government welfare policies, but also meets different social levels Medical needs, so that the majority of the people get quality and cheap health care and health services. The increasingly competitive medical service market, the hospital’s internal management model should be based on the experience of scientific management
文绍敦教授简介 Brief introduction of Professor Wen Shaodun
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