
来源 :中国司法 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fternally
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“一切向我看齐”,这句看似非常普通、却是寓意深长的人生格言,是刘兆俊同志1995年走上领导岗位时,向司法局全体干警的承诺。7年过去了,他一刻也没有忘记自己说过的话,认真践行着自己的诺言。 他像一盆火,不断燃烧着激情。刘兆俊同志,1972年5月参加工作。在进入司法行政机关前的10年里,他先后任过教师、干事、政治指导员、组织干事,无论干什么工作,他都兢兢业业,成绩突出。1984年从事司法行政工作后,他把自己的一切交给了司法行政工作。尤其是走上领导岗位后,他更是激情焕发,立志带出一支政治强、业务精、纪律严、作风硬的司法行政干警队伍,再创农七师司法行政事业的辉煌。 “Seeking Accordance with All Me” looks very ordinary, but it is a profound moral maxim of life. It is a commitment made by Comrade Liu Zhaoshun to all police officers in the Justice Bureau when he took the leadership in 1995. Seven years later, he has never forgotten what he has said and earnestly fulfilled his promise. He is like a pot of fire, constantly burning passion. Comrade Liu Zhaojun, May 1972 to work. In the 10 years before he entered the judicial and administrative organs, he successively held the posts of teacher, officer, political instructor, and organizational officer. He worked diligently and scored outstanding achievements in his work. After working in the administration of justice in 1984, he handed over everything to judicial and administrative work. In particular, after taking the leadership position, he is even more passionate and determined to bring along a cadre of judicial and administrative cadres who are politically strong, highly professional, disciplined and work hard, and create a brilliant career in judicial administration.
By combining the Bodner-Partom constitutive model and equivalent stress function, finite element methods and program on analyzing non-elastic deformation and st
本刊顾问、我国著名教育家、国际知名蛛形学专家尹长民教授从教六十周年庆贺会 10月 4日在湖南师范大学隆重举行。中国科协主席、原人大常委会副委员长周光召为尹长民教授从
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孙文生 ,男 ,195 4年 6月生于河北省南宫市 ,1982年毕业于河北大学 ,并获经济学学士学位 ,同年分配到河北农业大学从事教学工作至今。 1988年在中南财经大学获得经济学硕士学
本刊讯2003年11月13日凌晨4时50分,我国胸心血管外科奠基人、中国科学院院士、一代名医吴英恺溘然长逝,享年93岁。 吴英恺院士从医70多年以来,为我国胸心血管外科和心血管流