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卡拉OK风靡天下,人们挤在歌厅里唱,争在宴会中唱,父母儿女在家一同唱,夫唱妇随,合家欢乐,共享天伦。被宋代老夫子约束压抑了几百年的中国人,终于恢复了朝气,又活泼快乐起来了。 炎黄子孙本是爱好音乐,能歌善舞的民族。诗经三百零五篇,风、雅、颂中:“风”是采自各地的民间歌谣,“雅”是庆典,宴会的合乐歌唱;“颂”是祭祀用的歌舞乐章。后来的唐诗、宋词都是人们吟唱歌咏的材料。秦腔、平剧、奥曲、河南梆子也都是当地 Kara OK swept the world, people crowded singing in the karaoke, singing in the banquet, parents and children sing together at home, husband and wife sing, family fun, share of family. The Chinese, who were restrained for centuries by the old masters of the Song Dynasty, finally regained their vigor and became lively and happy again. Yan Huang descendants are like music, singing and dancing of the nation. Song of the Three Kingdoms, Wind, Elegance and Song Chung: “Wind” is a folk song collected from all over the country, “Ya” is a celebration, banquet of the choral singing; “Ode” is the sacrificial offering song and dance movements. Later Tang poetry, Song poetry is all the people chanting material. Qin cavity, Ping drama, Austrian song, Henan Bangzi are also local
把点看作是半径为零的圆 ,用它来解决某些问题 ,显得十分方便 .例 1 已知圆的方程是x2 + y2 =r2 ,求经过圆上一点M (x0 ,y0 )的切线的方程 .解 把点 (x0 ,y0 )看作是半径为
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Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease(ADPKD) is the most common inherited monogenic kidney disease. Characterized by the development and growth of cysts