
来源 :乐器 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wudizeng
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我认识琵琶这件乐器,是在20世纪60年代初。那时,国家刚刚发现大庆油田,油田开发建设指挥基地就设在黑龙江省安达市。为了支援油田开发建设,丰富广大油田建设者和市民的文化生活,国家从全国各地调来了许多文艺演出团体。当时,从北京来了一批专业文化艺术人才,其中包括我的琵琶演奏老师郝德全(原中央广播民乐团演奏员)。记得印象最深的有一位叫王光普的老师,原在中央广电工作,精通琵琶、二胡、三弦多种乐器。那时,父亲在市天泉区文化馆工作,同他关系相处极好,每逢周末他都带着琵琶或二胡到我家来弹拉几曲。初次,我就被他那灵活娴熟的琵琶弹、挑、轮技巧所奏出的有强有弱、有刚有柔、婉转美妙的音色迷 I know this instrument of the pipa, was in the early 1960s. At that time, the state just discovered that Daqing Oilfield and Oilfield Development and Construction Command Base is located in Anda, Heilongjiang Province. In order to support the development and construction of oilfields and enrich the cultural life of oilfield builders and citizens, the state has transferred many theatrical groups from all over the country. At the time, a group of professional arts and cultural talents came from Beijing, including my pipa teacher Hao Dequan (formerly the Central Broadcaster). I remember the deepest impression that a teacher named Wang Guangpu, the original radio and television work, proficient in the pipa, erhu, sanshu a variety of musical instruments. At that time, my father worked in Tianquan District Cultural Center and got along very well with him. Every weekend, he pumped a few songs with my pipa or erhu to my house. For the first time, I was his flexible and pipa bombs, pick, wheel skills played by the strong weak, just soft, mildly beautiful sound fans
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【本刊讯】11月8日,在喜庆第8个记者节之际,中国公共安全杂志社“记者之家”正式成立。杨金才总编辑为“记者之家”揭幕。杂志社全体编辑、记者参加了揭幕仪式。 On Novembe
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