On the Function of Understanding Capacity in English Learning and Teaching

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  Abstract: Understanding is a positive thinking activity. This paper focuses on the importance of the function of understanding ability in English learning and teaching.
   Key words: function; understanding capacity;communicative
   With the development of research in linguistics and pedagogy, wehavecome to realized the nature and the function of language more and morein-depth degree.English is a language. Any language in nature is a tool for communication. In English teaching, people have advocated communicative method, which emphasis on the communicative function of language, paying more attention to the practical application of language ability of students. Communication skills should include both oral and written ability. In order to learn English well, we should attach importance to study the process of understanding the English language so as to develop understanding ability of English language learners, which is of great significance for enhancing the learners’ language proficien-
  cy and improve the quality of foreign language teaching.
  Understanding is a positive thinking activity .The goal of Foreign Language Teaching is to cultivate students with the skills to express themselves in English and the ability of understanding, which are different, but also are linked. Understanding and expression belong to two different psychological processes, and the former are expressed as analytical ability, and the later manifests itself as a comprehensive ability, but the two are interactive, inter-related.When people express in a foreign language , whether oral or written, people always manage to express themselves using the language models according to the language environment, or the actual scenario, or what they have read and what they have listened ,from which they canaccept language models andlinkwith what they have known. It is obvious that we can cultivate a sense of language and enrich the content of expression if learners listen more, read more and speak more, because language can not be integrated. In turn, the understanding extent can be tested by the examination of the ability of expression.
  The reasonwe emphasize the importa-
  nce of thedevelopment of understanding capacity in English learning is thatin the past people often considerthe process of understandingaspassive and receptive, but the psycholinguistic research has shown that understandingprocess is the process of information processing, a kind of positive thinking activities. Listening, reading and understanding are a highly positive process of selection of information, classification and interpretation process, therefore, in the communication process, the information input and output arenot a simple mechanical transmission, but rather akind of creative thinking activity, in which information processing and methodological issues are involved.
   Over the years, social linguistics and pragmatics and so on have attached great importance to the research of understanding. Psychological linguistics describes underst-
  anding as a dynamic process, and it considers that the new information can truly be absorbed only by the combination of knowledge what the learners have mastered. Therefore, learners are the subject in the process of teaching activities. Learner is also a positive message handler, not just the negative and passive recipients of information, while the teacher’s role, just as a clever programming division, who continues to study students’ learning psychology, pays great attention to mobilizing the enthusiasm of students in learning, focuses on students’ ability to obtain and process information, store information and expand the accumulation of information while imparting knowledge and skills at the same time. This ability to learn independently should be natured from the basic stage. Good learning strategy is important to anyone in learning. Part of teacher’s role is to enhance their students understanding capacity that are more effective and appropriate to their learning need.
  In order to study psychology of learners,, we must not only study the native language and its environmental impact on the learners, but also students’ learning habits and ways of thinking because the students’ knowledge that they have mastered and the model they explain things are closely related to the environment of the native language .These factors will surely be reflected in foreign language learning. Therefore, we surely should focus on teaching the contrast of two different languages in teaching and learning and the form of teaching should combine culture and tradition, taking into account the unique differences of English culture. Learners should understand that language and culture are closely linked
   We must correctly understand and use English, but also we must pay attention to social and cultural factors.The process of learning, accessing to and understanding of language and culture is a process of communication. Through the contrast and evaluation of ethnic differences in culture and foreign cultures, students are able not only to absorb the advantages of other nationalities but also strength and enrich their own culture. Meanwhile, it can also strength national pride sense of students, which can make them understand their own culture better. Students in the teaching process are no longer passive spectators, but active observers and participants, which also increase students’ ability to use of language and improve their understanding capacity of English.
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