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目的掌握2004-2015年灵宝市艾滋病病毒(HIV)感染者/艾滋病患者(AIDS)流行特征及规律,为政府制定防控策略提供参考依据。方法收集2004-2015年灵宝市HIV/AIDS流行病学资料,采用描述性流行病学方法进行统计分析。结果灵宝市自2004年发现首例艾滋病(AIDS),至2015年共报告156例HIV/AIDS,男、女性别比为4.38:1;经性接触传播为主要传播途径(95.51%);感染者年龄以15~54岁为主(88.46%);未婚占39.74%;职业分布以农民最多(54.49%),其次是家务及待业(24.36%);文化程度在初中及以下的占55.77%;样本来源以其他就诊者检测最多(31.41%),其次为咨询检测(30.77%)。灵宝市自2012年以来性传播持续成为主要传播途径,注射毒品构成比则占比例很小,从2012年开始男男性行为者经性途径传播构成比明显上升。结论灵宝市艾滋病疫情呈上升趋势,性接触传播已成为主要途径,男男性行为者感染率快速上升,需加强重点人群艾滋宣传教育和艾滋病检测力度,建议试行早发现早治疗策略,控制疫情进一步上升。 Objective To grasp the epidemiological characteristics and rules of HIV / AIDS in Lingbao City from 2004 to 2015 and provide reference for the government to make prevention and control strategies. Methods Epidemiological data of HIV / AIDS from 2004 to 2015 in Lingbao city were collected and analyzed by descriptive epidemiological method. Results The first case of AIDS was found in Lingbao City in 2004. A total of 156 cases of HIV / AIDS were reported by 2015, with a male / female ratio of 4.38: 1. Sexual transmission was the main route of transmission (95.51%); infection The age was 15-54 years old (88.46%), unmarried 39.74%, occupation was the largest (54.49%) farmer, followed by household and unemployed (24.36%), 55.77% with junior high school education or below, The samples were sourced most frequently by other clinicians (31.41%), followed by counseling (30.77%). Sexual transmission continues to be the main route of transmission since 2012 in Lingbao City, with a small proportion of injecting drug users. Since 2012, the proportion of sexually transmitted infections among men who have sex with men has risen sharply. Conclusion Epidemic situation of AIDS in Lingbao City is on an upward trend. Sexual contact has become the main route of transmission. The infection rate among men who have sex with men is rapidly rising. HIV / AIDS publicity and education needs to be strengthened and AIDS testing should be strengthened. Early detection and early treatment strategies should be piloted to control the epidemic rise.
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L3N 3575.04.84 DBL6T型烧结机主抽风机,按计划停机检修发现非驱动端风机轴瓦损坏,更换后对中找正,风机无法正常启动.叶轮动平衡后启动风机,振动正常,7~8h后振动急剧上升.经过